Saturday, 21 December 2024


4th Sunday of Advent: Year C

1st Reading: Mica 5:1-4: Ruler of Israel

2nd Reading: Hebrews 10:5-10: I will do your Will

Gospel: Luke 1:39-45: Why should I be honored with a visit from the mother of my Lord?

Elizabeth’s Supernatural Proclamation: A Very Unusual Testimony

Whatever confession was borne about the Baby conceived in Mary was critical importance. Because the baby was...

·     Jesus.

·     The Son of the Most High.

·     The Son of David.

·     The Ruler over the House of Jacob forever.

·     The Ruler whose kingdom will never end.

·     The One born of the Holy Spirit.

·     The Son of God the Most High.

In this passage a supernatural confession is proclaimed and this is the very first testimony ever given by human lips about Jesus.

1.    Mary visited Elizabeth and her visit was memorable (v. 39-42):

a.    Went in a hurry (spoudes) which means speed, diligence, care, earnestness, zeal.

b.   Went to the town of Judah.

c.    Entered Elizabeth’s home and greeted her.

d.   Was welcomed by Elizabeth’s proclaimation:

i.                Heard Mary’s greeting

ii.               Felt the baby leap

iii.            Was instantly filled with the Spirit

iv.            Spoke loudly

2.    She proclaimed uniqueness about Mary and her child (v.42): Three unusual things happened immediately.

i.                The baby leaped in Elizabeth’s womb.

ii.              She was instantly filled with the Holy Spirit.

iii.            She was full of joy and exaltation for the Messiah and spoke in a loud voice.

3.    She proclaimed that Mary’s child was her Lord (v. 43-44):

a.    The great confession

b.   The clear sign

4.    She proclaimed that Mary’s faith would receive the promise (v.45):

There are two reasons why Mary has been blessed by believers of every generation.

i.                Mary believed in the Word of God sent to her (Lk 1:38). Contrast her belief with Zachariah’s unbelief (Lk 1:20).

ii.              Mary was related to Christ in a very special way.

Thought: If we wish to be blessed by God, we must believe the Word of God sent to us. Elizabeth’s confession to her Lord was a personal thing.

Saturday, 14 December 2024

 SUNDAY-3rd Week of Advent:Year- C

First Reading: Zephaniah 3:14-18: The Lord will dance with shouts of joy for you as on a day of festival.

Second Reading: Philippians 4:4-7: The Lord is very near.

Gospel: Luke 3:10-18: What must we do?

The Plain Message of John the Baptist: A Message for All Ages, Lk 3:7-20

The message of John the Baptist was powerful, a message for all ages.

1. He preached condemnation (v.7)

2. He preached repentance (v.8)

3. He preached against pride (v.8)

4. He preached judgement (v.9)

5. He preached social justice (v.10-14)

a. The people: were to love and care enough to share their material possessions

b. The tax collectors: were to love and care enough to stop exerting their authority and cheating people

c. The soldiers: were to love and care enough to provide security and service to the nation

6. He preached the Messiah’s coming (v.15-17)

a. The Messiah’s person

b. The Messiah’s baptism

c. The Messiah’s judgement

7. He preached many other things (v.18)

8. He preached against sin in high places (v.19-20)

a. He preached against the governor’s sin

b. The result: he was arrested

Thought: Most people are prideful. They feel they are special enough to be acceptable to God, that God would never reject them. They feel acceptable because they have godly parents, have been baptized, are not bad, are good enough, religious, members of the church and regular worshippers etc.

What is most important is to walk in the way of the Lord and to establish God’s kingdom on earth.

We the Christians are happy and joyful people the fact that we have already been forgiven, the Lord is already in our midst, the Lord is very near (Phil 4:5) and through prayer, we can obtain whatever we need (Phil 4:6).

The way to salvation is open to everyone; repentance and love for neighbour are the only conditions required to be saved.





1st Reading: Genesis 3: 9-15.20

2nd  Reading: Eph 1: 3- 6.11- 12

Gospel: Luke 1: 26- 38: Mary, the Mother of Jesus: Submission to God’s Will.

Today we are celebrating the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Luke’s account of the Annunciation inspires us to compare Mary with Eve.

Mary obediently received the Word of the Angel Gabriel, whereas Eve accepted the word of the Serpent. Mary gave birth to the living salvation of all through Jesus Christ, whereas Eve gave birth to disobedience and death.

The first reading talks about the first parents Adam and Eve on account of their disobedience as a result they were deprived of the life in the spirit of God.

The second reading brings joyful news for us all. God has loved us and chosen us right from the very beginning of the world to become His children through sharing His own life and to live holy lives so as to get ready to share God’s life and joy on earth and in heaven.

1.    God’s plans of love for human:

God created the first parents Adam and Eve out of His love and not because He had to. Adam and Eve came God’s hands in his own image and likeness: perfect in body and soul and they were placed in a garden who were completely happy.  But they lost their “grace-life” or “life in the Spirit” or “the wonderful gift of God” because of their disobedience to the command of God as St. Paul explains the word “grace” means “gift”, “baksheesh” in the second reading.

2.    Adam and Eve wrecked God’ plans of love for them:

God does not force his gifts to anyone. He created Adam and Eve free. The greatest gift of freedom was given to them but they broke God’s command and lost their treasure of Grace-Life, the life in the Spirit to share it in heaven. Being the children of God they turned into slaves of the devil and experienced the miseries and death in life.

3.    God’s plans of love for humankind were not to be defeated:

St. Paul tells us that God laid down his plans of love for humankind “from the beginning”, “before the world was made” (Eph 1: 4). This tells us how deep his love for human despite of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, God succeeded his plan through his Son Jesus Christ born of virgin Mary (Gal 4: 4) to make available to everyone the gift of “Grace-Life”, “The life in the Spirit” which Adam and Eve had lost by their disobedience. We have “Grace” “in Christ”, “In the Beloved”, “through Jesus Christ”. (Eph 1: 4.5.6).

4.    The Mother of Jesus:

The Son of God, the Messiah was born of a woman (Gal 4: 4) was Mary from Nazareth. Mary would give to Jesus human life and Jesus would give to Mary Life Divine.

5.    God communicated the Life in the Spirit to Mary from the very beginning of her existence: Great  help for non-catholic brethren’s  Mary’s existence

Adam and Eve lost Grace-Life, the life in the Spirit, not only for themselves, but also for all their children. Deprived of this gift, every human person is born inclined to sin, and sooner or later everyone falls a victim to it. But a single person Mary, the Mother of Jesus was preserved from the original sin from the very beginning (Gen 3: 15-“I will make you enemies of each other...your offspring and her offspring. It will crush your head...” a comparison study of Esther 5: 13; John the Baptist also received the life in the Spirit in visitation of Mary, in the womb of Elizabeth; Lk 1: 29-the greeting of the angel Gabriel at the annunciation-“Rejoice, you so highly favoured; the Lord is with you.”) was special privilege or favour granted to her is the purpose of day’s feast.

6.    The holiness of Jesus demands that his Mother should receive the Life in the Spirit right from the moment she was conceived:

God filled her with Grace-Life from the very beginning and at no moment the devil touch her soul. She did the Will of God with humility and obedience to the command of God always.

7.    From earliest time, Christians have firmly believed that Mary the Mother of Jesus possessed the Life in the Spirit form the first moment of her existence:

The Holy Spirit was given to the apostles on Pentecost day. As promised by the Lord Jesus, he has been with the Church down the centuries in the person of those whom Jesus appointed to guide his Church, the apostles and their successors. So the Spirit of the Lord not only guides the leaders of the church but every individuals and the community as well.

8.    In 1854, the Church announced officially what Christians had believed down the centuries:

The feast we celebrate today which has been celebrated throughout the Church long before. It is surprised to hear that England was the one of the first countries to celebrate it, together with Ireland and other local Churches.

On December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX, surrounded by many bishops from all over the world and thousands Christians at Rome declared this feast “That by a special favour from God, and in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary was preserved from all stain of original sin, from the very moment she was conceived.”

9.    At Lourdes, Mary Confirmed the Faith of her Children:

Four years after the Holy Father’s solemn proclamation, she appeared several times to a girl called Bernadette, at a place called Lourdes, France. Hundreds of miraculous cures can’t be explained by the laws of nature proved by the doctors. Definitely, Mary has hand in that discovery.

In one of the apparitions Bernadette asked the Lady who appeared to her to tell her who she was. The Lady replied: “I am the one conceived without sin.”

Mary the Mother of Jesus has been also appeared in many other places all over the world that she intercedes for us to her Son Jesus Christ always like acting at the wedding feast at Cana and lots of miracles taking place in the lives of the believers today.


Thought: Mary was encouraged to believe: “For nothing is impossible with God.” God expects us to believe in His Power. Surrender to God is an absolute essential for our salvation.


Second Sunday of Advent:Year- C

First Reading: Baruch 5:1-9: God means to show your splendor to every nation.

Second Reading: Philippians 1:3-6. 8-11: Be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.

Gospel: Luke 3:1-6: All mankind shall see the salvation of God.

The Forerunner, John the Baptist: The Pivotal Point of History

The coming of Jesus Christ was the pivotal point of human history. When he came to earth, earth saw the Son of God Himself (1Jn 1-3). Jesus is the King of kings, the Lord of lords and the God of very God, the Messiah. The Messiah needed a forerunner (John the Baptist) who would prepare for His coming.

1. He was a man who launched the most pivotal point of history (v.1)

2. He was a man called out of the wilderness (v.2)

3. He was a man who preached repentance and forgiveness of sin (v.3)

4. He was a man who cried out apocalyptically: Prepare, make the paths of God straight (v.4-6)

a. Humbled shall be exalted

b. Proud shall be made low

c. Crooked shall be straightened out

d. Rough shall be smoothed

e. God’s salvation shall be seen

Thought: John the Baptist’s preaching aroused thousands and changed the lives of multitudes and stirred them to prepare and to look for the Messiah. How shall we prepare and preach the Good News of Jesus Christ today?

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

 First Sunday of Advent: Year- C

First Reading: Jeremiah 33:14-16: I will make a virtuous Branch grow for David.

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2: Coming of Jesus.

The Gospel: Luke 21:25-28. 34-36: Your liberation is near at hand.

We are starting today a New Year of Worship. We shall go through the various times of the Year of the Church:






Ordinary time of the Year.


We do not notice the growth of our children, plants, flowers, trees etc every day. Yet there is growth and development each moment of our lives.

The church wants us to grow, day after day, year after year and through various times in the Year of Worship.

We don’t grow by just remembering in the Year of the Church, we can grow spiritually:

·     By re-living them within us year after year

·     By really getting ready for the coming of Christ at Advent time

·     By really having Christ born in our souls at Christmas

·     By really suffering and dying to sin with Christ during Lent time

·     By really rising to a new life with the Risen Jesus at Easter

·     By really receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

·     By actively and joyfully waiting for the final coming of Christ during the ordinary time of the year.

In a way, Christians ought to live these various times of the year of Worship at one and the same time throughout their life.

We should always be ready to welcome Christ since Christ keeps on coming to us in various ways day after day.

So we must live with Christ, walk with Christ, suffer with Christ, die with Christ and rise with Christ on the last day and every day of our life.

1.    The time of Advent:

There are two types of time in Greek: 1. Chronos (calendar time) 2. kairos (the fullness or grace filled time).

The word “Advent” means “coming” –who is coming? Not the historical Jesus as physical body, but the transformed Christ at the last day for judgement.

2.    There is no salvation apart from Jesus Christ:

We can see God and reach God through Jesus Christ the mediator between God and the people. Jesus saved us by his just living life, dying to sin, death, resurrection and ascension into heaven.

At the beginning of this season of Advent, we should make the prayer which the Prophet puts in the lips of the people of Israel in today’s first reading:

a.    We must acknowledge our own sinfulness

b.   We must get convinced that sin is at the root of all our miseries

c.    There is nothing in us to make us deserve salvation

d.   The sad state to which our sins have reduced us because we neglected prayer

e.    Fallen as we find ourselves, we are tempted, like the Jews to complain to God

We are wrong, we commit sins and we are sinners. It is not God who abandoned us but we who abandoned God. His invitation to repent during this time of Advent is fresh proof of his concern for us.

3.    Having acknowledged our sins, we should take a second step: confidently ask our redeemer to come to our rescue:

There is no way for a person to go back to God by himself or herself. So, we must implore him to come and save us.  Isaiah expresses this beautifully when speaking to God on behalf of his people.

Is. 64, 8- “We are the clay, you are the potter; we are the work of your hands.”

Is. 63, 16- “You, O Lord, our Father; our Redeemer is your ancient name.”

Is. 63, 17- “Return for the sake of your servant, the tribes of your inheritance.”

Is. 64, 1- “Oh that you would tear the heavens open and come down.”

4.    While waiting for Jesus’ coming, we must praise him for all that he has already done to save us:

5.    We must never grow discouraged in our waiting for Christ’s coming:

Paul gives us the reason why: Because God will never fail us. (1 Cor. 1, 8).

6.    In our waiting for Christ, we must keep both: Watchful and Active:

This is the message of Luke in the passage of the Gospel we have read. In carrying out our task, Jesus warns us to be watchful, since the devil is at all times trying to convince us that there is yet ample time left in life to prepare for Jesus’ coming. eg. The parable of the ten virgins: The five wise virgins were watchful and the other five were foolish without watchfulness and preparation.

Thought: Advent means “coming”: We await the first coming of Jesus for which is continuously His saving deeds or works carried out till the end and the second coming of Christ at the end of our lives (death) for the salvation of our souls.

The presence of Jesus Christ will be found in three ways: When we are gathered as a community to pray, to listen or to hear the Word of God and put into practice and to take  part in the Eucharist believing the real presence of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer.






Gospel: John 18:33-37: It is you who say that I am a king.

I Reading: Daniel 7:13-14: His sovereignty is an eternal sovereignty.

II Reading: Apocalypse 1:5-8: Ruler of the kings of the earth…he made us a line of kings, priests to serve his God.

Today we celebrate Christ the universal king. He did not claim to be only the king of the Jews. His kingdom was not to be an exclusive one. He is the king of all who are on the side of truth and listen to his voice.

Christ, our king, belongs to our human family: In today’s first reading, the prophet Daniel tells us that “he saw one like a son of man coming on the clouds of heaven.” (Dan 7:13)

Christ is a powerful king; his power will last forever: In the book of Revelation from which today’s second reading has been taken, Jesus is given the titles, and (Ruler of the kings of the earth” (Revelation 1:5), “King of the kings and Lord of Lords.” (Rev 19:16).

Jesus told the apostles: “All power has been given to me in heaven and on earth” (Mt 28:18). It will never end is the quality of Jesus’ power. The angel announced to Mary that she had been chosen to be the mother of the redeemer, he said her son to be: “His kingdom will have no end” (Lk 1:33). The angel confirmed the prophecy of Daniel which was to be fulfilled in Jesus: “His sovereignty is an eternal sovereignty which shall never pass away, nor will his empire ever be destroyed” (Dan 7:14).

The Book of Revelation says the same thing and puts on Jesus’ lips the following words: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the one who is, who was and who is to come” (Rev 1:8). “Everything starts from me and ends up in me, I was before anything existed and I will continue to be after everything ends.”

Christ our king loves us: he died for us and shares with us whatever he possesses: on the night of his passion, Jesus said to his apostles: “A man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends” (Jn 15:13). Today’s second reading reminds us “Christ loved us and has washed away our sins with his blood” (Rev 1:5).

No king was ever as generous as Jesus:

a. He shares his life with us.

b. He shares his own body and blood in the Eucharist.

c. He shares his own priesthood. Today’s second reading tells: Jesus made us priests to serve his God and Father (Rev 1:6). Since we are priests, our whole life can and should be “a holy sacrifice truly pleasing to God (Rom 12:1)

d. Jesus shares his own joy: “My own peace I give you” (Jn 14:27). “I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, so that they may always see the glory you have given me” (Jn 17:24).

Hence Jesus is our true king and the king of the universe.


Jesus’ kingdom is described as:

·       A kingdom of truth and of life,

·       A kingdom of holiness and grace,

·       A kingdom of justice, of love and of peace.

Jesus was right when he told Pilate that his was not like the kingdoms of this world:

·       Where falsehood reigns and lives are destroyed,

·       Where sin abounds,

·       Where injustice and hatred bring in wars without number.

We must praise our king, Jesus and be grateful to him:

·       For having brought us into his kingdom and made us members of his own royal family,

·       For having loved us through his own suffering and sacrifice of life for our salvation,

·       For having given us his love, peace, joy on earth and glory in heaven.

We have good reasons to rejoice on this feast of Christ the king of the universe and we shall rejoice in heaven at seeing him as he is, so great, so powerful and so loving.

Saturday, 16 November 2024



Gospel: Mk 13:24-32: He will gather his chosen from the four winds.

I Reading: Daniel 12:1-13: When that time comes, your own people will be spared.

II Reading: Hebrews 10:11-14. 18: By virtue of one single offering, he has achieved the eternal perfection of all whom he is sanctifying.

The Coming of the Son of Man, Mk 13:24-27

The greatest event yet to happen in the history of the world will be the return of Jesus Christ. The disciples wanted to know, “When will these things happen?” (Mk 13:4), and “What will be the sign of your coming?” (Mt 24:3). Jesus began to answer the second question about His returen in this passage.

1. He returns after the distress or tribulation (v.24)

2. Event 1: There will be astronomical happenings (v.24-25)

3. Event 2: There will be the return of the Son of Man in the clouds (v.26)

4. Event 3: There will be the gathering of the elect (v.27)

The End Time and Its Warning to Believers, Mk 13:28-37

Christ had just covered the signs of the end time and of His return. The truth is glorious but one thing is needful: people must turn their lives over to God or else they will be punished from the presence and glory of Christ forever. Jesus Christ gives six critical warnings to people.

1. The signs point to the end are discernable (v.28-29)

a. Even as a fig tree

b. Even as a cause has its effect

c. Even to the point of being immediate-right at hand

2. The events occur rapidly in one generation (v.30)

3. The events are a surety irrevocable (31)

4. The exact time is unknown-the day and hour (v.32)

5. The need is to be on guard: stay alert (v.33-36)

a. because time is unknown

b. because believers are assigned specific responsibilities and work

c. because Christ is returning unexpectedly –suddenly

d. because a believer can be caught sleeping

6. The warning is to all-watch (v.37)

Thought: Watch (gregoreo): to keep awake, to stay alert, to be watchful and sleepless, to be vigilant. It also to keep one’s attention (mind) upon a thing at all time.