Monday, 25 April 2016

I Reading: Acts 16:1-10: Come across to Macedonia and help us.
Gospel: John 15:18-21: You do not  belong to the world because my choice withdrew you from the world.
The Relationship of Believers to the World: Persecution, 15:18-27
The relationship of true believers to the world is a bleak picture. The world hates true believers. The persecution involves abuse, murder, violence etc. Jesus wanted the believer to be informed and to know what his relationship with the world is.
1. The chilling reality: The world will be hate (v.18)
2. The unjustified reasons for the world’s hatred (v.19-24)
a. Because the believers are a new creation
b. Because the believers are identified with Christ
c. Because the world does not really know God
d. Because the world is convicted of sin
          1) The Lord’s message convicts
          2) The Lord’s life and works convict
3. The terrible guilt of the world: They are without reason (v.25)
4. The promise of victory over the world (v.26-27)
Thought: The “world” refers to the unbeliever: the unredeemed, the lost, those who have never trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. The world stands for every person whose thoughts and lives are centred upon the flesh (food, clothes, money, immorality. Cp. Gal 5:16-21), evil and immoral thoughts (the lust of his/her eyes) and the pride of life/boasting and self-centredness (2Tim 3:1-5).

I Reading: Acts 15:22-31: It has been decided by the Holy Spirit and by ourselves not to saddle you with any burden beyond essentials.
Gospel: John 15:12-17: What I command you is to love one another.
The Relationship of Believers to Believers, Jn 15:12-17
How believers relate to other believers is of critical importance. Division will destroy a body of people quicker than any other single thing. Division can….
·        Destroy the body of Christ
·        Destroy the fellowship of believers
·        Destroy the witness of believers
·        Destroy the human soul seeking God
The relationship of believers to each other is of critical importance.
1. The supreme command of believers: Love one another (v.12)
2. The supreme standard of believers: The love of Jesus (v.12-13)
3. The supreme bond of believers: “friends” of Jesus (14-15)
a. Is conditional: “If”
b. Is based upon revelation: The words of the Father make known by Christ
4. The supreme purpose of believers: Chosen and appointed to go (v.16)
a. To go forth
b. To bear fruit
c. To receive of God
5. Conclusion: The supreme command repeated (v.17): love (agape love=sacrificial love) each other
Thought: Our love must be the sacrificial love (agape love) to love one another as God loved the world so much and gave His Son and Jesus loved us to save from sin and death by his supreme sacrifice on the cross.

I Reading: Acts 15:7-21: I rule that we do not make things more difficult for pagans who turn to God.
Gospel: John 15:9-11: Remain in my love, and let your joy be complete.
The Relationship of Jesus to Believers, Jn 15:9-11
Jesus has a very special relationship with believer, a relationship that delivers them from an existence that is barren, empty, lonely, unmeaningful and sad.
1. He has loved believers (v.9)
2. He has one great charge for believers: Continue-abide in His love (v.9-10)
a. Abiding is conditional
b. Abiding has a standard-the obedience of Jesus
3. He has one great purpose for believers: The completion of their joy (v.11)
Thought: Jesus Christ loves us because we God’s children, brothers and sisters, the household and family of God. He also loves us because we believe God, we earnestly seek God, we obey his commands and we deny self, take up our cross and die daily in order to follow Jesus (Lk 9:23).

I Reading: Acts 15:1-6: It was arranged that they should go up to Jerusalem and discuss the problem with the apostles and elders.
Gospel: John 15:1-8: Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bear fruit in plenty
The Relationship of Jesus to the People of the World, Jn 15:1-8
Jesus was facing the most terrible scene in all human history. All most all rejected him including his own disciple Judas betrayed him, Peter denied him three times and other disciples were to flee and desert him. Now Jesus  teaches us how to have a good relationship with God, Jesus and the world. In this passage Jesus saw a graphic lesson that the disciples needed to learn, the great lesson of “The Vine and the Branches”-the relationship of Jesus to the people of the world.
1. Jesus, the Vine; God, the Vinedresser; and man, the branch (v.1)
2. Unfruitful branches: Are taken away (v.2)
3. Fruitful branches (v.2-4)
a. Are pruned
b. The purpose for pruning
c. How branches are pruned
          1) By the Word
          2) By abiding, remaining
4. Unattached Branches (v.4-6)
a. Are by themselves: Not abiding or remaining, not attached
b. Cannot bear fruit
c. Do not understand the nature of bearing fruit in life: Can do nothing apart from Christ
d. Are doomed, gathered, thrown away, burned
5. Attached branches: Results and Promises (v.7-8)
a. Receive nourishment-answered prayers
b. Glorify God
c. Prove their attachment-discipleship
Thought: Bearing fruit means:
# righteousness (Rom 6:22, Phil 1:11, Col 1:10)
# godly character (Gal 5:22-23): the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
# converts (Rom 1:13): to turn their heart, mind and all works to God
I Reading: Acts 14:19-28: They gave an account to the church of all that God had done with them.
Gospel: John 14:27-31: My own peace I give you
The Source of Peace, Joy and Security, Jn 14:27-31
This passage covers and speaks the source of peace, joy and security.
1. The Source of peace (v.27)
a. The peace of the world
b. The peace of Christ
c. The source: Jesus only
2. The source of joy (Rejoicing, being glad) (v.28-29)
a. The return of Jesus to the Father (His death, resurrection and ascension)
b. The Father’s greatness
c. The confirmed faith
3. The source of security (v.30-31)
a. Jesus’ victory over the prince of the world
b. Jesus’ obedience to the Father
Thought: The believer will also be released from the sinful nature, the flesh, the world, the devil and the pressure of people, just as Jesus was (Jn 15:11).

I Reading: Acts 14:5-18: We have come with good news to make you turn from these empty idols to the living God.
Gospel: John 14:21-26: The Advocate, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything.
The Holy Spirit: Who He is, 14:15-26
There are three great Scriptures that deal with the doctrine of the Holy Spirit at length.
1. The Identity of the Holy Spirit or who He is (Jn 14:15-26)
2. The work of the Holy Spirit (Jn 16:7-15)
3. The Power of the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:1-17)
The greatest help the believers are to receive is the very presence of God Himself in the person of the Holy Spirit. It is this that Jesus now reveals. He reveals the Holy Spirit, His identity, who He is (Jn 16:7-15 where Jesus reveals the work of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Holy Spirit in Rom 8:1-17).
1. Fact: If a person loves Jesus, he will keep His commandments (v.15)
2. He is the Counselor, the Comforter, the other Helper (v.16)
3. He is the Spirit of truth (v.17)
a. The world cannot accept Him
b. The believer does receive Him and know Him
4. He is the personal presence of Christ (v.18-20)
a. A spiritual presence not a physical one
b. A living and eternal presence
c. A living union between God, Christ and the believer
5. He is the very special manifestation of Christ within the believer (v.21-22)
a. The special presence is conditional: Must obey and love Christ
b. The special presence is questioned
6. He is the abiding presence of the Trinity (v.23-24)
a. Is conditional: Must love and obey Jesus
b. Is the love and presence of God and Christ
c. Is not given to those who do not love and obey Christ
d. Is assured by God Himself
7. He is the Holy Spirit, the Teacher (v.25-26)
a. The facts
          1) He is promised
          2) He is given by the Father in the name of Jesus
b. His purpose
          1) To teach the believer all things: both the words and life of Christ, both the truth and the life, both the  Word and how to live the Word, both the theory and practice, both the principles and conduct, both the morality and behaviour.
          2) To help the believer to remember all that has been taught in the Word of God, to help especially in the moments of trail when the truth is needed (1Cor 10:13, 2:13; Lk 12:12; Jn 14:26, 16:13; 1Jn 2:27).

Saturday, 23 April 2016

I Reading: Acts 14:21-27: They gave an account to the Church of all that God had done with them.
II Reading: Apocalypse 21:1-5: God will wipe away all tears form their eyes.
Gospel: John 13:31-35: I give you a new commandment: love one another.
The Departure of Jesus From This World, 13:31-38
What kind of Christian community does the Risen Lord wants us to be? How can we love God and our neighbours?
Jesus told his disciples after the washing of feet in the last supper, “I give you a new command: Love one another. Just I have loved you. You also love one another.” Jn 13:34
What kind of love is Jesus talking about?
It is a serving love: I did not come to be served but serve people.
It is a merciful love: Jesus had compassion and mercy seeing the crowd who were without food and drink. Jesus had mercy and compassion to the poor, sick, suffering, widow, sinners, tax collectors etc.
It is a total commitment and dedication love: I (the good shepherd) lay down my life for my sheep at any cost to save the life of each sheep.
It is an agape love(selfless, total love, the highest love): Jesus loved the people selflessly without any expectation from people.
It is a forgiving love: Jesus on the cross said, “Father, forgive them, they do not know what are they doing?”
By your love, they will come to know that you are my disciples.
The risen Christ calls us to be faithful to the covenant we signed with him at Baptism, to proclaim the Good News to the people, to be committed to love one another whatever the cost, to share the joys and sorrows of our Christian brothers and sisters and finally to go through life joyfully with God to our permanent home heaven. Jesus as our good leader himself leads us on our way home. Let us experience the love of Jesus and love our brothers and sisters unconditionally as God loved us.
The death and departure of Jesus from the world was most significant.
1. Jesus’ death brought a threefold glory (v.31-32)
a. The Son of Man’s glory: The Cross
b. God’s glory: Jesus’ obedience
c. Jesus’ glory: The Resurrection
2. Jesus’ death demanded a new commandment (v.33-35)
a. The reason: His departure from the earth
b. The new commandment: To love as Jesus loved
c. The mark of a true discipleship: Love
3. Jesus’ death revealed stumbling loyalty (v.36-38)
a. Cause 1: Misunderstanding Jesus’ death
b. Cause 2: Carnal commitment
Thought: How many make the same mistake about the cross? Misunderstanding the cross and Jesus as the exalted Lord (as opposed to His being just as a great teacher) causes stumbling and faltering faith. (1Cor 1:18, 23; 2Cor 4:3-5)

Sunday, 17 April 2016

I Reading: Acts 13: 44-52: We must turn to the pagans.
Gospel: John 14:7-14: To have seen me is to have seen the Father.
The Embodiment of God is Jesus Himself, 14:8-14
Jesus Christ is the very embodiment of God Himself.
1. Philip’s request-show us the Father, a dazzling sight (v.8)
2. The revelation: Jesus is the full embodiment of God (v.9)
3. The clear evidence (v.10)
a. God’s presence
b. Jesus’ words
c. Jesus’ works
4. The clear challenge: Believe the claim of Jesus (v.11)
5. The clear promises: Are conditional-to the person who believes on Jesus (v.12-14)
a. The power to do great works
b. The answer to all prayers
Thought: God’s presence was proof that Jesus was the embodiment of God.

I Reading: Acts 13:26-33: God has fulfilled his promise by raising Jesus from the dead.
Gospel: John 14:1-6: I am the Way, the Truth and Life.
Jesus’ Death Delivers Troubled Hearts, 14:1-3
Jesus’ death delivers troubled hearts. The disciples had reason to be troubled and also the believers. So they need the words of encouragement and hope-the same deliverance from Jesus. Jesus said that deliverance from trouble comes through five things.
1. Delivers through trust, belief in me/Jesus (v.1)
2. Delivers through the hope for God’s house and its rooms or mansions (v.2)
3. Delivers through Jesus’ work (v.2)
4. Delivers through Jesus’ return (v. 3)
5. Delivers through an eternal habitation with Jesus (v.3)
Another Outline: Jesus’ death delivers troubled hearts.
1. His commandment: trust, believe in me (v.1)
2. His assurance: God has a house (v.2)
3. His departure: To prepare (v.2)
4. His great promise: To return (v.3)
5. His great purpose: An eternal union (v.3)
The Way to God is by Jesus Alone, 14:4-7
This passage is continuation of Jesus’ departure from this world. It is outlined separately because it is spurred on by another question, this one by Thomas (Jn 13:36) for the first question by Peter).
This is one of the most critical passages of Scripture. Jesus declared in unmistakable terms how a person gets to God, and He makes it clear: there is no other way to God.
1. Jesus’ destination (v.4-5)
a. The destination is known
b. The way is known
c. Thomas’ contradiction and scepticism
2. The way to God is Jesus himself(v.6)
3. The destination is God (v.6)
4. The only way to God is Jesus (v.6)
5. The only way to God is not revealed-unmistakeably
Thought: The destination of Jesus was “the Father” Himself. The believer has the same destination on “the Father.”

I Reading: Acts 13:13-25: God has raised up one of David’s descendants, Jesus, as Saviour.
Gospel: John 13:16-20: Whoever welcomes the one I send welcomes me.
The Prediction of the Betrayer: A Picture of Apostasy, 13:18-30
This is a clear picture of betrayal and apostasy, of a man who turns away from Christ to the world. It stands as a strong warning to every person who professes to follow Christ.
1. There is the heartbreak of betrayal (v.18)
a. A betrayer is not chosen
b. Betrayer is of the basest sort: eats with, yet turns away
2. There is the prediction of betrayal (v.19-20)
a. To assure that Jesus is the Messiah
b. To strengthen the dignity of the Lord’s call
c. To give assurance of God’s indwelling presence
3. There is the last chance given to the betrayer (v.21-26)
a. The betrayer’s presence exposed
b. Jesus’ distress
c. The disciples’ perplexity, nervousness and self-consciousness
d. Peter’s gesture for John to inquire further
e. John’s inquiry
f. Jesus’ indirect and merciful identification: the giving of a last chance
4. There is the warning against betrayal (v.27-30)
a. The evil possession
b. The charge: Act now
c. The deceiving of the disciples by the betrayer
d. The judgement: seen in the betrayer being separated immediately
Thought: The more a person thinks about sinning, the more likely he/she is to turn back.

I Reading: Acts 12:24-13:5: Set Barnabas and Saul apart.
Gospel: John 12:44-50: I, the light, have come into the world.
Jesus Rejected and Accepted as King, 12:37-50
This is a clear picture of Jesus’ being rejected and accepted as king.
1. The unbelievers (v.37-41)
a. They act illogically
1) They reject miraculous signs
2) They reject revelation
3) They reject the arm of the Lord
b. The results of unbelief:
A just, judicial rejection by God
1) Man is blinded
2) Man is hardened, deadened
3) Man is condemned to be lost
4) Man is condemned to remain unhealed
5) Man never sees the glory of the Lord
2 The silent believers (v.42-43)
a. They failed to confess Jesus
a. They fail, fearing personal loss
c. They fail, loving the praise of men more than God
3. The true believer (v.44-46)
a. Believes on God-through Jesus, the Mediator
b. Sees God-through Jesus, the Mediator
c. Is delivered from darkness-through Jesus the Light
4. The unbeliever-his judgement (v.47-50)
a. Judged not by Jesus: He came to save, not judge
b. Judged by the words of salvation: the very words he rejected will stand as a witness against him
1) Because Jesus’ words are God’s commandment
2) Because God’s word is life
3) Because the words of Jesus are the truth
Thought: A person is led to a juridical blindness and rejection by God through obstinate unbelief, constant sin and continued rejection.

I Reading: Acts 11:19-26: They started preaching to the Greeks, proclaiming the Lord Jesus.
Gospel: John 10:22-30: The Father and I are one.
The Great Shepherd’s Claims, 10:22-42
Jesus Christ is the great shepherd-great because of who He is. Note the phenomenal claims He made. Jesus Christ claimed to be “the Good Shepherd.” He is not a bad or a false shepherd.
1. Jesus was in Jerusalem at the Feast of Dedication (v.22-24)
a. It was a winter
b. He was walking in Solomon’s colonnade
c. The religionists approached and questioned Him
2. Claim 1: He is the Messiah (v.25-29)
a. Religionists did not believe
          1) His clear claim
          2) His works are proof
          3) Reason: The religionists were not of His sheep
b. His sheep believe
          1) Are receptive
          2) Are known
          3) Do follow v.27
          4) Are given life
          5) Are kept from perishing
          6) Are secure
          7) Are assured a double security in God Himself
3. Claims 2: He is one God, that is, He is God Himself (v.30-33)
a. The religionists reacted
b. Jesus questioned their reaction
c. The religionists admitted that His works were good
d. The religionists understood His claim, but they rejected Him
4. Claim 3: He is the Son of God (v.34-36)
a. Jesus showed man’s inconsistency
b. Jesus’ claim
          1) The Father sacrificed Him, set Him apart
          2) The Father sent Him
          3) He is the Son of God
5. Claim 4: God is in Him and He is in God-absolutely (v.37-39).
a. His works prove
b. He was still rejected
6. Conclusion: Jesus retired (v.40-42)
a. Jesus went to the area of John the Baptist
b. John’s crowds began to follow Jesus
c. Many believed in Jesus
Thought: Who is Jesus for us today? How many of us/missionaries work and die knowingly, willingly and voluntarily for the people of God as a good shepherd in our Church?

I Reading: Acts 11:1-18: God can grant even the pagans the repentance that leads to life.
Gospel: John 10:1-10: I am the gate of the sheepfold.
The Shepherd and His Sheep: False vs. True Teachers, 10,1-6
This passage begins the great revelation of Jesus as the Shepherd of Life. Jesus is pictured as the true Shepherd of the sheep.
1. The sheep pen (v.1)
2. The false shepherd (v.1)
a. Enters the wrong way
b. Is a thief and robber: Seizes by false entry and force
3. The true shepherd (v.2-3)
a. Enters the appointed door
b. Is known by the watchman (God)
c. Knows sheep by name
d. leads and shepherds the sheep
4. The sheep (v.4-5)
a. Know the shepherd’s voice
b. Follow the shepherd who goes before them
c. Flee from strange voices
5. The parable or figure or speech: was not understood (v.6)
The Gate of the Sheep: The only Way to God, 10:7-10
Jesus claims to be the gate of the sheep. Jesus is probably referring to the gate of the community sheep pen or a community pasture which housed all the flocks of an area. There is however, descriptive picture of Jesus as the gate.
1. Jesus is the only gate of the sheep (v.7-8)
a. All others are thieves and robbers
b. Proof: The sheep did not listen to them
2. Jesus is the only gate that leads to salvation (v.9)
a. “In and out” : security
b. “Pasture”: provision
3. Jesus is the only gate that leads to abundant life (v.10)
a. All others come to take and to steal
b. Jesus comes to give life
Thought: Jesus answered “ I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (Jn 14:6)
The strange voice can be the voice of false religion, false science, false psychology, false philosophy, humanism, materialism, worldliness, fame …etc.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

I Reading: Acts 13:14.43-52: We must turn to the pagans.
II Reading: Apocalypse 7:9.14-17: The Lamb will be their shepherd and will lead them to springs of living water.
Gospel: John 10:27-30: I give eternal life to the sheep that belong to me.
The Great Shepherd’s Claims, 10:22-42
Jesus Christ is the great shepherd-great because of who He is. Note the phenomenal claims He made. Jesus Christ claimed to be “the Good Shepherd.” He is not a bad or a false shepherd.
He is concerned about his sheep and protects them from all dangers and difficult moments in life. Thus we need more good shepherds in the church to look after the people of God; in the same time the sheep or the people of God must pray for their shepherds and support them and listen to their preaching and teaching of the Gospel and finally accompanying them with love and joy to carry out the mission of Jesus among all. A joyful shepherd and sheep is a good leader and a believer.
How can we become a good shepherd and a good sheep or believer? Through prayer, believing in Christ, practising the Word of God and putting into action with humility and obedience to God’s will  and doing selfless and sacrificial service to the poor and needy.
1. Jesus was in Jerusalem at the Feast of Dedication (v.22-24)
a. It was a winter
b. He was walking in Solomon’s colonnade
c. The religionists approached and questioned Him
2. Claim 1: He is the Messiah (v.25-29)
a. Religionists did not believe
          1) His clear claim
          2) His works are proof
          3) Reason: The religionists were not of His sheep
b. His sheep believe
          1) Are receptive
          2) Are known
          3) Do follow v.27
          4) Are given life
          5) Are kept from perishing
          6) Are secured
          7) Are assured a double security in God Himself
3. Claims 2: He is one God, that is, He is God Himself (v.30-33)
a. The religionists reacted
b. Jesus questioned their reaction
c. The religionists admitted that His works were good
d. The religionists understood His claim, but they rejected Him
4. Claim 3: He is the Son of God (v.34-36)
a. Jesus showed man’s inconsistency
b. Jesus’ claim
          1) The Father sacrificed Him, set Him apart
          2) The Father sent Him
          3) He is the Son of God
5. Claim 4: God is in Him and He is in God-absolutely (v.37-39).
a. His works prove
b. He was still rejected
6. Conclusion: Jesus retired (v.40-42)
a. Jesus went to the area of John the Baptist
b. John’s crowds began to follow Jesus
c. Many believed in Jesus
Thought: Who is Jesus for us today? How many of us/missionaries work and die knowingly, willingly and voluntarily for the people of God as a good shepherd in our Church?