Wednesday, 17 April 2019

I Reading: Acts 5:12-16:The numbers of men and women who came to believe in the Lord increased steadily.
II Reading: Apocalypse 1:9-13.17-19: I was dead and now I am to live for ever and ever.
Gospel: John 20:19-31: Eight days later, Jesus came.
The Great Character of the Church-Jesus Appears to the Disciples,
John 20:19-23
This was the first appearance of Jesus to His disciples as a group after His resurrection. What would His talk and conversation about? John focuses upon the subjects and topics discussed when Jesus first appeared to the disciples.
1.    The disciples were hiding in fear (v.19)
a.    Was the same day: at night
b.    Discussed reports
c.     Jesus appeared suddenly
2.    Subject 1: The risen Lord-His presence was very real (v.19-20)
a.    His message: Peace
b.    His wounds: Evidence
c.     His effect: Unbelievable joy and gladness when they saw Him
3.    Subject 2: The Great Commission (v.21)
4.    Subject 3: The Holy Spirit (v.22-23)
a.    The endowment or the giving of the Spirit
b.    The authority

The Great Conviction-Thomas’ Confession, John 20:24-29
This is an excellent study on conviction and confession. It is the great conviction and confession of Thomas.
1.    Thomas’ frustrated reactionary spirit (v.24-25)
a.    The disciples testified; Thomas argued
b.    The reason: Guilt-he had forsaken and withdrawn from them
2.    Thomas’ false picture of Jesus (v.25-26).
a.    He was just an earthly deliverer
b.    He was now dead
c.     Result: persistent doubt for eight days
3.    Thomas’ critical confrontation and confession: Jesus appeared and challenged and convicted him (v.26-28)
a.    The confrontation
1)    Jesus was aware of Thomas’ demands
2)    Jesus warned and called for belief
4.    Thomas’ great lesson for all men (v.29)

The Great Purpose of the Signs (Wonderful Works) of Jesus, 20:30-31
 It is quite clear that the gospel writers did not include all that Jesus did in their gospels. A few signs are recorded which are very essential for people according to the plan of God. The word “Sign” chosen by John who demonstrates that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. In these two verses, John gives the great purpose of the sings.
1.    The great fact: Jesus did many signs or wonderful works (v.30)
a.    In the disciples’ presence
b.    Not recorded by John
2.    The great purpose: To select a few signs that would lead to belief (v.31)
a.    Jesus is the Messiah
b.    Jesus is the Son of God
3.    The great result: Life through Jesus’ name
Thought: Jesus gave all the evidence in the world:
·       Acts of love and purity
·       Acts of righteousness and justice
·       Works of mercy and compassion
·       Works of miracles and power
·       Works of godliness and sovereignty
·       Words of truth and salvation
·       Words of peace and faith
·       Words of hope and joy
·       Words of morality and discipline
·       Words of commitment and self-denial

I Reading: Acts 4:13-21: We cannot promise to stop proclaiming what we have seen and heard.
Mark 16:9-15: Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News.
The Lord’s Great Commission, Mk 16: 14-20
This is the first appearance of Jesus to all the disciples. It is important to keep in mind that it was Sunday evening, the same day Jesus had arisen from the dead. He had undergone an extremely busy day, encouraging those who had needed special attention and sending word of his resurrection to the disciples. They were hovered behind closed doors in fear of the Jews. Jesus needed to send word of His resurrection to them bit by bit so they would be prepared to see Him risen and in His resurrected body. The day includes the following appearances.
The appearance to Mary Magdalene (Mk 16:9-11)
The appearance to the women as they were going to tell the disciples (Mt 28:9)
The appearance to Peter, which probably was a long conference lasting for hours (Lk 24:34)
The appearance to two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Mk 16:12-13)
The appearance to the disciples mentioned in this passage (Mk 16:14). This appearance is discussed more fully in Lk 24:36f; Jn 20:19f.

Mark stresses the Great Commission in this passage at the close of His gospel. The great commission is the whole focus of his attention.
1.    The two hindrances to the Great Commission (v.14)
a.    Unbelief
b.    Stubborn refusal to leave
2.    The Great Commission: Go-Preach (v.15)
a.    What: The Gospel
b.    Where: All the world
3.    The reason for the Great Commission (v.16)
a.    Saved: if believed and baptised
b.    Condemned: if disbelieve
4.    The promise to the believer as he carries out the Great Commission(great task): Power over sin & death-forgiveness & life (v.17-18)
5.    The confirmation of the Great commission (v. 19-20)
a.    The Lord’s ascension to the position of power
b.    The Lord’s working through the disciples’ ministry
Thought: The Lord worked with His disciples and confirmed His Word by the signs (Acts 4:33).

I Reading: Acts 4:1-12: This is the only name by which we can be saved.
John 21:1-14: Jesus stepped forward, took the bread and gave it to them, and the same with the fish.
The Great Reality of Jesus’ Resurrection Body
Jesus proved the great reality of His resurrection body. He showed that He really did arise from the dead. Death had been conquered and people could live forever.
1.    Jesus appeared again (v.1-3)
a.    Afterward-after these things: proofs of the resurrection, 20:1-31
b.    To seven disciples who were together: hiding for the fear of the authorities
c.     Peter went fishing: to meet the need for food
d.    A needed lesson: self-sufficiency is inadequate-must know and depend upon the risen Lord
2.    Jesus stood on the shore bodily (v.4)
a.    An immediate presence
b.    A bodily presence
3.    Jesus possessed supernatural knowledge (v.5-8)
a.    He acted on His supernatural knowledge
b.    He was identified: “The Lord”
c.     Peter accepted John’s word as proof and he responded
d.    The other disciple responded and followed
4.    Jesus showed the reality of the surroundings (v.9)
a.    The land and fire
b.    The fish and bread
5.    Jesus showed that He could see, speak, hear and feel (v.10-11)
a.    He instructed the disciples
b.    Peter obeyed
c.     The catch of fish was counted
6.    Jesus showed that His body was real (v.12-13)
a.    He invited them to eat
b.    He was the Lord
c.     He himself ate
7.    Conclusion: Jesus’ resurrection was affirmed
Thought: Every genuine believer experience the supernatural care of the risen Lord. The believer knows the sovereign knowledge and care of the Lord in his/her own life (Mt 6:25-34)

I Reading: Acts 3:11-26: You killed the prince of life. God, however, raised him from the dead.
Luke 24:35-48: It is written that the Christ would suffer and on the third day rise from the dead.
Jesus’ Appearance to the Disciples:
The Great Statements of the Christian Faith, Lk 24:36-49
This was the first appearance of Jesus to all the disciples at once. He shared the two great statements (explanations) of the Christian faith.
1.    Statement 1: Jesus is risen (v.36-43)
a.    Jesus’ first words: Peace
b.    Jesus’ impact
1)    The disciples startled and frightened
2)    The disciples were troubled and questioning
c.     Jesus’ proof
1)    He is flesh and bones
2)    He shows them his wounds
3)    He talks
2.    Statement 2: All Scripture must be fulfilled (v.44-49)
a.    The forewarning
b.    The utter necessity
c.     The spiritual insight needed
d.    The particular prophecies
1)    Christ must suffer and arise
2)    Repentance and forgiveness must be preached
3)    The Holy Spirit and power must be sent
Thought: The risen Christ was not a spirit (v.39); not a vision, a phantom, a hallucination, or any other figment of man’s imagination. He was the risen Lord-bodily-not someone else nor some other spirit.

I Reading: Acts 3:1-10: I will give you what I have: in the name of Jesus stand up and walk!
Luke 24:13-35: They recognized Jesus at the breaking of bread.
Jesus’ Appearance to Two Believers on the Road to Emmaus:
An Immortal Journey
This is on the most beloved accounts of the resurrection story. It is an account of Jesus’ helping two ordinary persons who had lost hope and fallen into the pit of sadness and despair. Their experience was an immortal journey.
1.    scene 1: Taking a lonely but thoughtful walk (v.13-14)
a.    they had heard about the resurrection: “That same day”
b.    they thought about and discussed the events
2.    scene 2: considering three critical questions (v.15-27)
a.    Jesus drew near, but he was unrevealed
b.    Question 1: what are you talking about?
1)    A gloomy look
2)    Answer: the things have happened
c.     Question 2: What events?
1)    Jesus’ death
a)    He was a great prophet
b)   He was crucified
c)    He was thought to be the Messiah
2)    Jesus’ prophecy of three days
3)    Jesus’ empty tomb and perplexing reports
a)    Reports of vision
b)   Reports of Jesus’ believing alive
c)    Reports confirmed
d)   Question 3: did not the prophets predict the Messiah’s death and resurrection?
1)    A mild rebuke
2)    His death and resurrection were necessary
3)    He explains the Scripture
3.    Scene 3: Experiencing the burning truth-Jesus is risen; He is alive (v.28-32)
a.    The two sought to hear more: Invited Him to stay with them
1)    He accepted the invitation
2)    He blessed the food
b.    God opened their eyes: they knew the Lord
c.     They had experienced conviction: A burning within their hearts
4.    Scene 4: proclaiming the immortal witness (v.33-35)
a.    The two rushed to the disciples
b.    The exiting meeting, the immortal witness: Christ is risen
1)    Had been seen by Simon
2)    Had been seen by the two from Emmaus
Thought: These two were seeking to understand the death and empty tomb of Christ. Christ was the subject of their conversation. They were seeking the truth; therefore, Christ drew near them (Mt 7:7-8; Jn 8:31-32).
The problem with the two from Emmaus, as it is with so many today, was their short-sightedness and unbelief.