Saturday, 30 May 2020


I Reading: Acts 2:1-11: They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak.
II Reading: 1 Cor: In the one Spirit we were baptised.
Gospel: John 20:19-23: The Great Charter of the Church-Jesus Appears to the Disciples
The Great Charter of the Church-Jesus Appears to the Disciples

Today we celebrate the second most solemn day in the year of worship: the feast of Pentecost. The disciples meet the risen Christ on the same day at the evening and the risen Jesus serves his disciples.
The word “Pentecost” is a Greek word which means “the 50th”, in our case, “the 50th day”: for the Jews it meant the 50th day after the feast of the Passover. For us Christians, it means the feast that comes on the 50th day after Easter.
This was the first appearance of Jesus to His disciples as a group after His resurrection. What would He say and talk about? What would be the topic of conversation and the subjects covered? Whatever He chose to say would be of critical importance. It is this that John focuses upon: the subjects and the topics discussed when Jesus first appeared to the disciples.
1. The disciples were hiding in fear (v.19): They were locked up and the doors were shut which means they were protected by God.
                    a. Was the same day: at night
                    b. Discussed reports
                    c. Jesus appeared suddenly
2. Subject 1: The risen Lord-His presence was very real (v.19-20)
                    a. His message: Peace: The resurrected Jesus brings real peace and joy upon the fearful disciples. It is the reconciling peace that the world cannot give them except the Lord.
                    b. His wounds: Evidence: The real presence of Jesus Christ
                    c. His effect: Unbelievable joy and gladness when they saw Him
3. Subject 2: The great commission (v.21): The disciples/Church has been given the power and authority to proclaim the forgiveness of sins of the sinners. Penitents need repentance and conversion to come back to the Lord.
4. Subject 3: The Holy Spirit (v.22-23): The resurrected Jesus breathed on them as a sign of giving new life, new Spirit, new creation as the Lord God ‘breathed into man’s nostrils the breath(the Spirit) of Life(Genesis 2:7); and Ezekiel 37:9, breathe into these slain and they shall live’ (the vision of the Dry Bones).
The Spirit of God and the same Spirit of Jesus Christ is going to guide them and teach them everything; and finally empowering them with courage and strength to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to all. The Spirit-filled Church has the authority to continue the fourfold ministry of assurance, mission, the Holy Spirit and authority to His people today.
Do we open our doors of hearts and minds to enter Jesus into our lives to receive the real peace and joy of the risen Lord?
How do we experience the loving presence and protection of the Lord during the Pandemic lockdown Coronavirus Covid-19?
Thought: The disciple is sent forth to proclaim and bear witness to the salvation of God. The disciple is the prophet and witness of the living Lord.
·       Christ is the Way; the disciple points the Way.
·       Christ is the Truth; the disciple proclaims the Truth.
·       Christ is the Life; the disciple shares the Life.

The Ascension of the Lord-A
I Reading: Acts 1:1-11: He was lifted up while they looked on.
II Reading: Ephesians 1:17-23:He made Him sit at his right hand in heaven.
Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
The Messiah’s Final Commission to His Disciples, Mt 28:16-20
Matthew began his gospel by proclaiming that the baby Jesus was the Son of David, the promised King of Israel (Mt 1:1-2). He now closes his gospel by proclaiming that the Lord Jesus possesses all power and authority in heaven and earth. The Lord Jesus had risen from the dead, and in the power of His resurrection His followers are to go forth proclaiming His glorious Kingdom.
In this great message, Matthew covers the great commission of the resurrected Lord, the King to whom all power and authority belong.
1. The disciples met Jesus in Galilee (v.16-17)
          a. They met on a pre-appointed mountain
          b. They worshipped Him
          c. Some doubted
2. He assured His followers of His power (v.18)
          a. Is a given power
          b. Is in heaven and earth
3. He commissioned His followers (v.19-20)
          a. To make disciples of all nations
          b. To baptize
          c. To teach all that He had commanded
4. He promised to be with His followers (v.20)
Thought: Society deteriorates and crumbles when it neglects the teaching and commandments of Jesus Christ.
Thought: The Lord ascended to the right hand of God, that is, to the position of sovereignty and power (Mk 16:19; Lk 22:69; Acts 1:9-11;2:36;5:31;Eph 1:20; Ph 2:9-11;Rev 5:12). The ascension assures (proves, confirms) that seven things are absolutely certain.
1. The ascension assures that God is, that He is alive and does exist. The fact that Christ was raised up from the dead and taken up into heaven proves that God is. Only God could do such things.
2. The ascension assures that Christ is God’s Son.
3. The ascension assures that heaven is real (Ph 3:20-31).
4. The ascension assures that the gospel is true.
5. The ascension assures that the Great commission is the call and mission of believers.
6. The ascension assures that power is available to carry out the Great Commission (Mt 28:18; Mk 16:20).
7. The ascension assures that we have a very special Helper in heaven, One who really loves and cares for us.


I Reading: Acts 8:5-8.14-17: They laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
II Reading: 1Peter 3:15-18: In the body he was put to death, in the spirit he was raised to life.
Gospel: John 14:15-21: I shall ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate.
The Holy Spirit: Who He is, 14:15-26
There are three great Scriptures that deal with the doctrine of the Holy Spirit at length.
1. The Identity of the Holy Spirit or who He is (Jn 14:15-26)
2. The work of the Holy Spirit (Jn 16:7-15)
3. The Power of the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:1-17)
The greatest help the believers are to receive is the very presence of God Himself in the Person of the Holy Spirit. It is this that Jesus now reveals. He reveals the Holy Spirit, His identity, who He is (Jn 16:7-15 where Jesus reveals the work of the Holy Spirit). (cf. Rom 8:1-17 where the power of the Holy Spirit is revealed).
1. Fact: If a person loves Jesus, he will keep His commandments (v.15)
2. He is the Counsellor, the Comforter, the other Helper (v.16)
3. He is the Spirit of truth (v.17)
a. The world cannot accept Him
b. The believer does receive Him and know Him
4. He is the personal presence of Christ (v.18-20)
a. A spiritual presence not a physical one
b. A living and eternal presence
c. A living union between God, Christ and the believer
5. He is the very special manifestation of Christ within the believer (v.21-22)
a. The special presence is conditional: Must obey and love Christ
b. The special presence is questioned
6. He is the abiding presence of the Trinity (v.23-24)
a. Is conditional: Must love and obey Jesus
b. Is the love and presence of God and Christ
c. Is not given to those who do not love and obey Christ
d. Is assured by God Himself
7. He is the Holy Spirit, the Teacher (v.25-26)
a. The facts
          1) He is promised
          2) He is given by the Father in the name of Jesus
b. His purpose
          1) To teach the believer all things
          2) To help the believer to remember
Thought: The purpose of the Holy spirit in the believer’s life is twofold.
1) To teach all things. Both the words and the life of Christ, both the Truth and the Life, both the Word and how to live the Word, both the theory and the practice, both the principles and the conduct, both the morality and the behaviour.
2) To help remember: to help remember all that has been taught in the Word of God, to help especially in the moments of trial when the truth is needed. In a moment of trial the Holy Spirit either infuses the believer with the strength to endure or flashes across his mind the way to escape (1Cor 10:13, 2:13; Lk 12:12; Jn 14:26, 16:13; 1Jn 2:27).


I Reading: Acts 6:1-7: They selected seven men full of the Holy Spirit.
II Reading: 1Peter 2:4-9: But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood.
Gospel: John 14:1-12: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Jesus’ Death Delivers Troubled Hearts, 14:1-3
Jesus’ death delivers troubled hearts. The disciples had reason to be troubled. Several things had just happened that would disturb anybody of people. Divisiveness (Lk 22:24-30), desertion and betrayal (Jn 13:18f), separation from the Lord (Jn 13:33) and denying Jesus ( Jn 13:38) all these things grasp the impact of what Jesus was about to say. Jesus said that deliverance from trouble comes through five things.
1. Delivers through trust and belief (v.1)
2. Delivers through the hope for God’s house and its rooms and mansions (v.2)
3. Delivers through Jesus’ work (v.2)
4. Delivers through Jesus’ return (v.3)
5. Delivers through an eternal habitation with Jesus (v.3)

Another Outline: Jesus’ death delivers troubled hearts
1. His commandment: trust, believe in me (v.1)
2. His assurance: God has a house (v.2)
3. His departure: to prepare (v.2)
4. His great promise: to return (v.3)
5. His great purpose: an eternal reunion (v.3)

The Way  to God is by Jesus Alone, John 14:4-7

Jesus declared in unmistakeable terms how a person gets to God, and He makes it clear: there is no other way to God.
1. Jesus’ destination (v.4-5)
          a) The destination is known
          b) The way is known v.4
          c) Thomas’ contradiction and scepticism
2. The way to God is Jesus himself (v.6)
3. The destination is God (v.6)
4. The only way to God is Jesus (v.6)
5. The only way to God is now revealed-unmistakeably (v.7)
The Embodiment of God is Jesus Himself, John 14:8-14

This is one of the most astounding claims ever made-Jesus Christ is the very embodiment of God Himself.
1. Philip’s request-show us the Father, a dazzling sight (v.8)
2. The revelation: Jesus is the full embodiment of God (v.9)
3. The clear evidence (v.10)
          a. God’s presence
          b. Jesus’ Words
          c. Jesus’ works
4. The clear challenge: Believe the claim of Jesus (v.11)
5. The clear promises: Are conditional- to the person who believes on Jesus (v.12-14)
          a. The power to do great works
          b. The answer to all prayers
Thought: Note the contradiction and scepticism of the world even today. The world proclaims: “We do not know where God is, not really. Even if He exists, we can only seek Him the best we can, trying to find out just where He is. Every person must find and discover his/her own way and hope has found it. (Jn 8:19; 16:3; Acts 17:23; 28:27; Eph 4:18).

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Jesus is the good Shepherd who has come to give us his life in abundance. Abundant life isn't a long life or comfortable or wealthy life but it is a life of love, joy, peace, justice, equality, dignity, forgiveness, tolerance, service, humility, unity, faith, hope, courage, endurance, contentment and satisfaction in Jesus. Jesus being the true and legitimate shepherd protects and saves life from all evil and dangers. Jesus as a good shepherd always walks ahead of his flock ...
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In today's Gospel the Risen Christ reveals and gives HOPE and JOY to the lowly hearts of the unknown and undistinguished men who travelled to Emmaus from Jerusalem with sadness and disappointment.
The Risen ChristJesus comes down and talks to us when we pray, meditate, discuss and reflect about the Crucified the Risen Christ the Lord as friends, families, communities, assembly; surely he will be present with us to fill us with his Easter gifts of the true Peace, Joy and Hope during the discouragement, disappointment, sadness, sickness, hopelessness etc even today's the worst of times of Coronavirus Pandemic Covid-19.
Can we believe in the Risen Jesus Christ the Lord without seeing with our own eyes today?
The Feast of St Mark reminds us to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ the Son of God with humility&courage as Mark faced a martyr's death being a Bishop in Alexandria
Jesus appeared to Thomas because of his doubt and disbelief; but Thomas was really looking/searching for the Truth and finally he found the Truth(Jesus Christ the Messiah) and the Truth could set him free from doubt, disbelief, misunderstanding and all evils in deeds and thoughts in life. Then he confessed his great faith in the Risen Christ and said " my Lord and my God" and believed in the Risen Lord is the Goal of human life in the creation of God and the Purpose of John's Gospel ...i wrote all these things so that you may believe in him and those who believe in him will have the eternal life.
May the Divine Mercy of God, the Risen Christ and the Holy Spirit forgive our sins, protect us from all evil and save us all from the coronavirus pandemic Covid-19. Amen
Wishing you A Happy Feast of the Divine Mercy Sunday!