Monday, 19 April 2021



I Reading: Acts 4:8-12: This is the only name by which we can be saved.

II Reading: 1John 3:1-2: We shall see God as He really is.

Gospel: John 10:11-18: The good shepherd is one who lays down his life for his sheep.

The Good Shepherd: Jesus, the True Saviour of the World, 10:11-21

In the Gospel of today, Jesus himself provides us with a most meaningful answer: I am your shepherd and you are my sheep. The answer is so simple that even a child can understand it and grasp its full meaning.

Jesus Christ is our Good Shepherd because Jesus himself said “I am the good shepherd.” He is not only good but the best shepherd one who loved and cared for his sheep or people. Jesus has the following qualities or characters as the good and the best shepherd:

1. The good shepherd knows his sheep.

He knows by name and to the least detail, our needs, at each and every moment of our life and provides for all our needs in body and soul.

2.  The good shepherd leads his flock.

No shepherd can compare with Jesus in leading his sheep. He leads them to his Church through Baptism, all other sacraments, through his Spirit and by our repentance or conversion.

3. The good shepherd feeds his sheep.

He feeds them with his own hands and gives them food, drink and heals them when sick or wounded.

And no shepherd can ever afford such a nourishing food as Jesus provides for us:

He feeds us through prayer.

He feeds us with his Word.

He feeds us with His own Body and Blood in the Eucharist. Who can give us his own body and blood to nourish our bodily and spiritual needs?

4. The good shepherd defends his sheep.

He defends them against wild beasts and thieves; he watches over them day and night sacrificing his life, time, and comforts. “The good shepherd is one who lays down his life for his sheep”(Jn 10:11).  This is exactly what he did and saved his sheep/people by giving up his own life on the cross. Jesus clearly said in his Gospel that “no one has the power to take his life; he lays it down of his own free will.” (Jn 10:18)- The Jews killed him.

Jesus continues to lead us also after his death. He leads, feeds, and defends us today as effectively as ever before.

We are Jesus’ sheep. What kind of sheep am I?

i. Good sheep knows his shepherd.

ii. The good sheep follows its shepherd.

iii. The good sheep joyfully accepts the food its shepherd offers.

iv. The good sheep stays close to the shepherd so as to be defended by him.

Am I careful to stay away from danger? In the time of temptation or sin.

What would you say of a sheep that runs away from the shepherd and joins the wolves’ company? Are you one such a sheep?


Jesus Christ claimed to be “the Good Shepherd.” He is not a bad or a false shepherd.

1.    The meaning of “Good Shepherd” (v.11-13)

a.    A sacrificial life

b.    Not a hired or employed shepherd

1)    He sees danger-acts cowardly, flees

2)    He cause the sheep to be caught-in error

3)    He lacks genuine care

2.    The proof that Jesus is the “Good Shepherd” (v.14-16)

a.    He knows His sheep

b.    He knows His Father the Owner

c.     He will die for His sheep

d.     He works to enlarge the pen

3.    The final proof is the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus (v.17-18)

a.    The very reason God loves Him so much

b.    His death was the supreme act of obedience

1)    Was Voluntary

2)    Was a command

4.    The reaction to Jesus’ claim (v.19-21)

a.    Some reject: call Jesus demon-possessed and mad

b.    Some question: perhaps Jesus is who he claims

Thought: How many of us/missionaries work and die knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily for the people of God as a good shepherd in our Church?

Jesus is my Shepherd, the Good Shepherd, the one who never fails in his care of the sheep. I must decide once for all to be his good sheep.




I Reading: Acts 9:31-42: The churches built themselves up and were filled with the consolation of the Holy Spirit.

Gospel: John 6:60-69: Who shall we go to? You have the message of eternal life.

People are often offended by Christ. Four things in particular offend them.

1.    Jesus’ message was to the synagogue crowd in Capernaum (v.59-60)

a.    Many disciples were present

b.    They had difficulty accepting His message

2.    There is the idea of eating Jesus’ flesh and drinking His blood (v.61)

3.    There is the ascension and exaltation of Christ (v.62)

4.    There is the teaching that the Spirit quickens, gives life and the flesh counts for nothing (v.63-64)

5.    There is the fact that God saves man, man does not save himself (v.65)

6.    The conclusion: there were three responses (v.66-71)

a.    The disciples who turned back

b.    The disciple who believed Jesus was the Christ

c.     The disciple who believed Christ

Thought: A person is saved unless he/she has come to Jesus Christ. A person is lost unless he/she comes to Him.



I Reading: Acts 9:1-20: This man is my chosen instrument to bring my name before pagans.

Gospel: John 6:52-59: My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.

The Results of Partaking of the Bread of Life, Jn 6:52-58

A person must receive and partake of the Bread of Life. When he/she does, he/she receives five wonderful things.

1.    The religionists were perplexed over Jesus’ words (v.52-53)

a.    They questioned partaking of His flesh

b.    Jesus proclaimed a much more shocking thing: unless one partakes of Him, he/she does not have life

2.    Result 1: eternal life-conquering death and being resurrected (v.54)

3.    Result 2: true not false satisfaction (v.55)

4.    Result 3: supernatural companionship and fellowship (v.56)

5.    Result 4: a life that is full of purpose and meaning (v.57)

6.    Result 5: incorruptible food received with in the heart-energizing life forever (v.58)

Thought: Unless a person receives (eats and drinks) Christ, he/she has no life within him. He/she is a dead person spiritually and eternally. He/she is walking around a dead person. (Eph 2:1; 5:14; Col 2:13, 1Tim 5:6; Rev3:1)



I Reading: Acts 8:26-40: If you believe with all your heart, you will be baptised.

Gospel: John 6:44-51: I am the living bread which has come down from heaven.

The Way a Person Partakes of the Bread of Life, 6:41-51

How one partakes of the Bread of Life, that is, how one come s to know Jesus personally, is the focus of this passage.

1.    The religionists rebelled against the claims of Jesus (v.41-43)

a.    They questioned Jesus’ origin

b.    They misunderstood the incarnation

c.     Jesus appealed: stop grumbling

2.    A person must be drown by God (v.44-46)

a.    The result: he will be raised up at the last day

b.    He must be taught by God (God’s part)

c.     He must hear and learn trough Christ (man’s part)

1)    Because no man has seen God

2)    Because Christ is from God and has seen God

3.    A person must believe on Christ (v.47-51)

a.    Believe He is the Bread of Life

b.    Believe He is “out of” heaven-has come to deliver man form death

c.     Believe He is the living bread-the One who gives life to man forever

d.    Believe He gives His flesh for the life of the world.

Thought: “My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world” says two things.

1)    Jesus Christ came in the flesh (1 Tim 3:16; 1Jn 4:2-3).

2)    Jesus Christ gave His flesh (life) for the life of the world (Heb 2:14-15; Rom 8:3; 1Pet 2:24; 3:18).



I Reading: Acts 8:1-8: They went from place to place.

Gospel: John 6:35-40: It is my Father’s will that whoever sees the Son shall have eternal life.

The Assurance of the Believer, Jn 6:37-40

The believer has great assurance and security.

1.    Assurance 1: God’s predestination (v.37)

2.    Assurance 2: Jesus’ Word (v.37)

3.    Assurance 3: Jesus’ purpose to do God’s will (v.38)

4.    Assurance 4: God’s will for those whom He gives to Christ (v.39)

a.    That Jesus should not lose a single one

b.    That Jesus should resurrect every one

5.    Assurance 5: God’s will for the believers (v.40)

a.    Is eternal life

b.    Result: Jesus “will raise him up”

Thought: The believer is assured of eternal life (Jn 3:16), victory over death (1Cor 15:52-57) and the resurrection (Jn 5:25-29; 11:25).



I Reading: Acts 7:51-8:1: Lord Jesus receive my spirit.

Gospel: John 6:30-35: It was not Moses who gave you bread from heaven, it is my Father who gives you the bread from heaven, the true bread.

The Bread of Life: The Source of Spiritual Satisfaction

Jesus is the source of spiritual satisfaction, of man’s spiritual nourishment. He is the only bread that can feed man’s great hunger, the hunger that gnaws and gnaws within his inner being. There is no other source upon which man can feed and be nourished.

1.    The people demanded proof (v.30-31)

a.    Jesus’ great claim

b.    The specific proof demanded

2.    Christ is the true Bread (v.32)

a.    Man cannot provide true bread: satisfaction

b.    God alone provides true bread: true satisfaction

3.    Christ is the Bread of God (v.33)

a.    He came from heaven

b.    He gives life

4.    Christ is the Bread of Life (v.34-35)

a.    The request for the Bread of God

b.    The phenomenal claim

c.     If man comes to Jesus, he will never hunger

d.    If man believes, he will never thirst

5.    Christ was seen but rejected (v.36)

Thought: Christ (The Word of God) gives life to the believer by doing the five things as bread.

1)    Bread gives life by...nourishing and sustaining

2)    Satisfying

3)    Energizing

4)    Creating desire (the need) for more

5)    Being partaken on a regular basis

Man never has enough. He craves and craves, never being fully satisfied.



I Reading: Acts 6:8-15: They could not get the better of Stephen because of his wisdom, and because it was the Spirit that prompted what he said.

Gospel: John 6: 22-29: Do not work for food that cannot last, but work for food that endures to eternal life.

The Answer to Man’s Great Hunger

Man/woman has a gnawing hunger within for both the physical and the spiritual. He/she hungers for both food and material things and for God and spiritual things, things such as love and joy and peace. Therefore, most of Man’s/woman’s time and energy are spent in seeking to satisfy his/her hunger. This passage deals with the answer to man’s/woman’s hunger.

1.    Answer 1: Know that man has great hunger, a great need (v.22-25)

a.    The people were miraculously fed. V.1-15

b.    The people acknowledge their need

c.     The people noted Jesus’ absence

d.    The people sought Jesus

e.     The people questioned Jesus’ absence

2.    Answer 2: Acknowledge that man’s motive is corrupt (v.26-27)

a.    Sought the Messiah for what they could get out of Him

b.    Sought food that spoiled-misplaced labor

3.    Answer 3: Work for food that endures-that gives eternal life (v.27)

a.    Source: Son of Man

b.    God guaranteed

4.    Answer 4: Do the work of God-believe (v.28-29)

Thought: people should search diligently to find Christ until the Lord is found. (Lk 11:9-10; Heb 11:6; Is 55:6)



I Reading: Acts 3:13-15.17-19: You killed the prince of life. God however raised him from the dead.

II Reading: 1John 2:1-5: He is the sacrifice that takes our sins away, and not only ours, but the whole word’s.

Gospel: Luke 24:35-48: So you see how it is written that the Christ would suffer and on the third day rises from the dead.

Jesus’ Appearance to the Disciples:

The Great statements of the Christian Faith, Lk 24:36-49

Peter continues to dominate the early chapters of Acts. He pointed out and preached about a monstrous crime to have put the Holy One to death and national repentance of the Jews would lead to a spiritual revival of Israel. Peter’s hope was disappointed by their subsequent attitude to the new faith because they continued to persecute the Church.

While John recognizes that God’s love can come to perfection in us by the sacrifice of His Son who takes away our sins, to him who is our “Advocate” with the Father “one summoned to our side”, to our own unworthiness to plead.

The Risen Christ appeared to his disciples to restore their faith and to make available to them that Resurrection power that would embolden their actions and color their preaching.

The three readings of today are meant to help us to reflect on the gift of forgiveness of sin by repentance. We recite in the Credo, “I believe in the forgiveness of sins.” God has been showing His love, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness to His people from the very beginning until now. Jesus bought it at the cost of his blood; we should not refuse it; we should hasten to repent whenever we fall into sin and believe in the Good News of Jesus.

In the readings we find:

1. The exhortation of Peter to the Jews

2. The apparition of Jesus to his Apostles as narrated by Luke

3. The recommendations of John to his Christians

4. The better we know God, the less the risk we run of committing sin

5. The way to know God is to keep his commandments


This was the first appearance of Jesus to all the disciples at once. He shared the two great statements (explanations) of the Christian faith.

1.    Statement 1: Jesus has risen (v.36-43)

a.    Jesus’ first words: Peace

b.    Jesus’ impact

1)    The disciples startled and frightened

2)    The disciples were troubled and questioning

c.     Jesus’ proof

1)    He is flesh and bones

2)    He shows them his wounds

3)    He talks

2.    Statement 2: All Scripture must be fulfilled (44-49)

a.    The forewarning

b.    The utter necessity

c.     The spiritual insight needed

d.    The particular prophecies

1)    Christ must suffer and arise

2)    Repentance and forgiveness must be preached

3)    The Holy Spirit and power must be sent

Thought: The greatest of all tragedies is that some still do not accept and believe the Lord’s death and resurrection despite the irrefutable evidence.