Monday, 8 October 2012


Gospel: Luke 10:38-42: Martha welcomed Jesus into her house. It is Mary who has chosen the better path.

I Reading: Galatians 1:13-24: God revealed His Son in me, so that I may preach the Good News about him to the pagans.

The One Thing Needed: To Sit at Jesus’ Feet, Lk 10:38-42

Mary and Martha’s experience teaches that waiting and sitting at Jesus’ feet is much more important than running to and fro trying to work one’s way into God’s favour. There is one basic essential in life, and that is sitting at Jesus’ feet and hearing His Word.

1. Jesus entered a village (v.38)

2. Two strong characters (v.38-39)

a. Martha’s character

          1) giving

          2) courageous

          3) caring and loving

b. Mary’s character

          1) loving and humble

          2) gripped with a spiritual hunger

3. Martha’s problem: She was distracted (v.40)

a. distracted by serving

b. distracted by material things: food and necessities and the cares of the world

4. Martha’s one need: to sit quietly and listen to Jesus’ words (v.41-42)

Thought: Our devotion and loyalty to Jesus Christ is a daily affair (Lk 9:23). Seeking to hear the Word of God and learning at the feet of Christ is very important as the believers or followers of Christ.

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