Wednesday, 6 March 2013


I Reading: Hosea 5: 15-6:6: What I want is love, not sacrifice.

Gospel: Luke 18:9-14: The tax collector went home again at rights with God; the Pharisee did not.

The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax collector:

The Spirit needed for Prayer.

Two striking things are seen in this passage-both the spirit needed for prayer and the spirit needed for one to be saved.

1.    A parable of warning (v.9)

a.    To the self-righteous

b.    To those who despise or look down on other people

2.    The scene: two men are praying in the temple (v.10)

a.    One is a Pharisee

b.    One is a sinner

3.    The religionist prays (v.11-12)

a.    He stands-prays only with himself

b.    He thank God for making him what he is

c.     He rededicate himself-he reaffirms his commitment

4.    The sinner prays (v.13)

a.    He stands “at distance”

b.    He feels unworthy to face God

c.     He cries for mercy

5.    The major lesson: justification (v. 14)

a.    A humble approach is heard

b.    A proud approach is not heard


Thought: The vast majority of people are in this class of self-righteousness. Few people believe they will be rejected by God and refused entrance into heaven. They will feel they have enough goodness to make them acceptable to God. (cp. 2Cor 10:12; Job 9:20, 33:9, 35:2; Prov 16:2, 28:26, 30:12; Jer 2:35)

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