Saturday, 13 April 2013


I Reading: Acts 5:27-32.40-41:We are witnesses of all this, we and the Holy Spirit. Peter puts obedience to God before obedience to men.

II Reading: Apocalypse 5:11-14: The Lamb that was sacrificed is worthy to be given riches and power.

Gospel: John 21:1-19: Jesus stepped forward, took the bread and gave it to them, and the same with the fish.

The Great reality of Jesus’ Resurrection Body, Jn 21:1-14

Jesus proved the great reality of His resurrection body. He showed that He really did arise from the dead. Death has been conquered and people could now live forever.

1. Jesus appeared again (v.1-3)

a. Afterward-after these things: proof of the resurrection, 20:1-31

b. To seven disciples who were together: hiding for fear of the authorities

c. Peter went fishing: To meet the need for food

d. A needed lesson: Self sufficiency is inadequate-must know and depend upon the risen Lord

2. Jesus stood on the shore bodily (v.4)

a. An immediate presence

b. A bodily presence

3. Jesus possessed supernatural knowledge (v.5-8)

a. He acted on his supernatural knowledge

b. He was identified: “The Lord”

c. Peter accepted John’s word as proof and he responded

d. The other disciple (John) responded and followed

4. Jesus showed the reality of surroundings (v.9)

a. The land and fire

b. The fish and bread

5. Jesus showed that he could see, speak, hear and feel (v.10-11)

a. He instructed the disciples

b. Peter obeyed

c. The catch of fish was counted

6. Jesus showed that his body was real (v.12-13)

a. He invited them to eat

b. He was the Lord

c. He himself ate

7. Conclusion: Jesus’ resurrection was affirmed

The Great Question of Disciple’s Love and Devotion, Jn 21:15-17

This is a critical passage for the church and its ministers. It has one great lesson: love is the one basic essential for ministry. Without love, ministry counts for nothing in God’s eyes. This passage concerns three questions asked by our Lord.

1. After the meal, Jesus focussed on Peter (v.15)

2. Do you love me more than these? (v.15)

a. Pointed to disciples

b. Pointed to fishing equipment

c. Feed my lambs

3. Do you love me with God’s love-love me enough to feed my people? (v.16)

a. God’s love (agape)=sacrificial love of God

b. Peter’s love (phileo)=blood relationship or relative love of Peter, (erotic love)=emotional or feelings or attractions love of people

c. Feed my sheep/tend my sheep

4. Do you love me as a royal brother-love me with agape love or phileo love? (v.17)

a. Lord’s love (agape)=sacrificial love

b. Peter’s love (phileo)=relational love

c.  Feed my sheep

thought: Agape love is a seed that can be planted in the heart only by Christ. It is a fruit of the Spirit of God. It is a great love that God holds for His Son (Jn 15:10; 17:26). Agape love was perfectly expressed when God gave up His own Son to die for humanity (2Cor 5:14;Eph 2:4;3:19;5:2).

Agape love holds believers together as Jesus held his disciples for three years. Agape love is the love believers are to have for one another (Jn 13:33-35; 1 Jn 3:17-18). Agape love is the love which believers are to have for all people (1Cor 16:14; 1Th 3:12; 2Pet 1:7). Thus agape love seeks the welfare of all, works no ill to its neighbour, seeks opportunities to do good to all especially to those of the household of faith and is proven by obedience to Christ. Doing as one wishes instead of doing as God wills shows that one does not have agape love. (Jn 14:15,21,23;15:10;1Jn 2:5;5:3; 2Jn 1:6)

Thought: The greatest of all tragedies is that some still do not accept and believe the Lord’s death and resurrection despite the irrefutable evidence.

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