Monday, 28 October 2013


Gospel: Luke 13:18-21: The Seed grew and became a tree.

I Reading: Romans 8:18-25: The whole creation is eagerly waiting for God to reveal his sons.

The Parables of the Mustard Seed and Yeast (Leaven):

The Kingdom of God, Lk 13:18-21

Jesus taught about the kingdom of God through this parable which people needed to understand fully.

1. The kingdom of God illustrated (v.17)

2. It is like a mustard seed (v.19)

a. It is planted by God

          1) a seed

          2) in His garden

b. It grows to be great

c. It is lodging for all

3. It is like yeast (leaven) working in bread (v.20-21)

a. It is taken and placed in meal

b. It works until the whole is changed

Thought: The purpose of the kingdom is to work like yeast, that is, to change the whole an individual and of society itself.

The kingdom or gospel is deliberately taken and placed into the world. The kingdom and the gospel of God are not by chance.

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