Monday, 14 April 2014

I Reading: Isaiah 42:1-7: He does not cry out or shout aloud.
Gospel: John 12:1-11: Leave her alone; she had to keep this scent for the day of my burial.
Jesus and Reactions to His Revelation
Jesus Christ had just revealed Himself to be the Resurrection and the Life. John gives four reactions to that revelation.
1.    Jesus dined in a home in Bethany (v.1-2)
a.    The place where Lazarus was raised
b.    Six days before Passover
c.     Martha served
d.    Lazarus was present
2.    The supreme believer (v.3)
a.    The repentant love
b.    A sacrificial and costly love
c.     A believing love: The Christ the anointed
3.    The hypocritical, unbelieving disciple
a.    He followed Jesus but he criticized believers
b.    He expressed concern for the ministry, but he had an ulterior motive
c.     He worked for Jesus, but he did not love Jesus
4.    The half-sincere seekers (v.9)
a.    Came to see Jesus
b.    Came to see the spectacular
c.     Came for socializing
5.    The fearful, self-seeking religionists (v.10-11)
a.    They plotted to destroy Lazarus
b.    They feared personal loss
Thought: Note how Mary demonstrated her love and faith.
1)    Mary gave the most precious possession she had to the Lord.
2)    Mary publicly demonstrated her love and faith in Jesus Christ.

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