Monday, 5 October 2015

I Reading: Jonah 1:1-2:1.11: Jonah ran away from the Lord.
Gospel: Luke 10:25-37: Who is my neighbour?

The Parable of the Good Samaritan:
The Two Supreme Questions of Life, Lk 10:25-37
There are two supreme questions of life, questions that could revolutionize the world if men would ask them and then heed their answers.
1. A lawyer (an expert in the law) tempted Jesus (v.25)
2. Question 1: How do we inherit eternal life? (v.25-28)
a. first, the law has the answer
b. second, love God supremely
c. third, love your neighbour as yourself
d. fourth, obey and you shall live
3. Question 2: Who is my neighbour? (v.29-37)
a. the traveller: was foolish and irresponsible
          1) travelled alone
          2) was robbed
          3) was assaulted and left half-dead
b. the priest: placed work above people
          1) saw the injured traveller
          2) rushed by him
c. the Levite: placed safety before compassion
          1) saw him
          2) stopped and looked
d. the Samaritan: placed compassion before prejudice and opinion
          1) gave his heart: compassion
          2) sacrificed his work, time, energy, goods and money
          3) the Lord’s compassion: go and do likewise
Thought: The Samaritan being a gentile and outcaste saved the Jew in need. According to Jews only relatives and dear ones were their neighbours not the Samaritans who were known as despised and outcaste people in their eyes.
Let us help people in need without any reservations.

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