Friday, 22 July 2016

Friday: 16th Week in Ordinary Time-C

Gospel: Matthew 13:18-23: The man who hears the word and understands it, he is the one who yields a harvest.
The Parable of the Farmer or Sower Explained, 13:18-23
This passage is the interpretation of the Farmer and the Seed (Mt 13:1-9)
1. Describes the Kingdom of Heaven
2. The seed by the path
a. Identity: A person who is hard and close-minded
b. Problem: His heart is not soft; seed is unable to penetrate
c. Result: Satan snatches the seed away
3. The seed on rocky ground
a. Identity: A person who experiences a quick, dramatic conversion
b. Problem: He has little root and is unprepared to face the trails and persecution of life
c. The result: He falls away
5. The seed on good ground
a. Identity: Those who hear and understand the Word
b. Result: They bear fruit, but they bear different percentages

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