Monday, 26 December 2016

28 December: Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs
I Reading: 1Jn 1: 5-2: 2: The blood of Jesus purifies us from all sins.
Gospel: Mt 2: 13-18: In Bethlehem Herod had all the male children killed.
Jesus’ childhood: Facing danger after dangers (Mt 2: 12-23)

Jesus faced dangers from the very beginning of his birth itself. God protected him with his love and care. If God is with us who is against of us? Today we celebrate the feast of the innocents and the martyrs in the church who were killed for Christ by the order and evil actions of Herod at Bethlehem. Today how many innocent children and people are being killed directly or indirectly?
1.     The first danger: Herod plotted to find Jesus (Mt 2:3-8, 12):
a.     Magi miraculously warned
b.    Magi obeyed the words of the angel sent by God, did not obey the words of Herod, the evil man.
2.     The second danger: Herod attempted to destroy Jesus:
a.     Joseph was miraculously warned to flee to Egypt
b.    Joseph obeyed the words of the angel
c.      Scripture was fulfilled: The family sojourned in Egypt
d.    Herod slaughtered the children: prior to this he had killed his two sons and the third son also and killed his ten wives as a cruel man.
e.      Scripture was fulfilled: the prediction of the children’s slaughter
3.     The third danger: Archelaus reigned in Judea:
a.     Joseph was miraculously instructed
b.    Joseph was again miraculously warned: Herod’s son Archelaus was a threat
c.      Joseph obeyed to the words of the angel
d.    Scripture was fulfilled: Jesus lived in Nazareth

Thought: The believers can rest in God’s knowledge and providence. God knows all danger, threat and trial. The believers must always obey the message of God to be safe and sound.

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