Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Thursday: 5th Week in Ordinary Time-A

Gospel: Mark 7: 24-30: The house-dog under the table can eat the children’s scraps.

The Steps to Caring for the Rejected

Prejudice and rejection are wrong. The rejected are to be reached out to and helped. The rejected are always cut off by society, excluded from walking in the midst of society. They are unacceptable and ostracized. The rejected woman approached Jesus humbly and discussed her need with Him; persevered in asking for help; confessed her humble status or need and then she received help by Jesus.

1.     Jesus needed rest (v.24)
a.     He entered the land of the Gentiles
b.    He sought quiet in a house
2.     Step 1:  Allowing interruptions of one’s seclusion by the rejected
3.     Step 2: Conversing with the rejected (26-28)
a.     Listening to the cry of the rejected
b.    Stressing the need for humility to the rejected
c.      Leading the rejected to persist and believe
4.     Step 3: Meetings the needs of the rejected (29-30)

Thought: You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it (Jn 14:14).

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