Monday, 6 March 2017

I Reading: Leviticus: 19:1-2.11-18: You must pass judgement on your neighbour according to justice.
Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46: In so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine you did it to me.
The Parable of the Sheep and Goats:
The Final Judgement of Nations

A person must guard against confusing the judgement of a nation’s works with the judgement of individuals (sheep and goats). The final judgement will include all the nations of people; it will be the judgement of the whole world.
Jesus was judging two types of beings, sheep and goats, not the same type of being of whom some behaved in one way and some another. The sheep (believers) serve with Christ’s heart of love who are selfless, God-centered nature whereas goats do not serve Christ, they do and walk in their own way of thinking. Scripture says, “show me your faith without deeds, I will show you my faith by what I do” (James 2:18). God knows no faith apart from good works, that is, apart from ministering to the needs of people.
1.     The Son of Man is coming to judge (v.31-33)
a.     Coming in glory
b.    Coming with angels
c.      Coming to be enthroned
d.    Coming to gather all nations
e.      Coming to separate the nations, both sheep and goats
i.                   Sheep- favoured seat
ii.                 Goats- unfavoured seat
2.     The judgement of sheep will occur (34-40)
a.     The judge: the king
b.    The invitation: come
c.      The reward: the kingdom
d.    The basis of judgement: ministering to Christ
e.      The ministry defined
i.                   A humble, instinctive ministry: no thought of reward, only helping people in need
ii.                 A ministry to the Lord’s brothers and sisters.
3.     The judgement of goats will occur (41-45)
a.     The judgement
i.                   Cut off from God
ii.                 Eternal fire
b.    The basis of judgement
i.                   A failure to minister
ii.                 A selfish life
iii.              A spiritual blindness
4.     The judgement is for eternity (46): the righteous will go into eternal life. Life eternal is permanent and unchangeable. It is life that is eternal, not some dreamy, unconscious or semiconscious state of being.  The sheep (believers of Christ) will live, and their life will be eternal, never ending.

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