Sunday, 21 May 2017

The Ascension of the Lord-A
I Reading: Acts 1:1-11: He was lifted up while they looked on.
II Reading: Ephesians 1:17-23:He made Him sit at his right hand in heaven.
Gospel: Luke 24:46-53: As he blessed them he was carried up to heaven.
Jesus’ Appearance to the Disciples:
The Great Statements of the Christian Faith, Lk 24:36-49
This was the first appearance of Jesus to all the disciples at once. He shared the two great statements (explanations) of the Christian faith.
1. Statement 1: Jesus is risen (v.36-43)
a. Jesus’ first word: Peace
b. Jesus’ impact
          1) The disciples startled and frightened
          2) The disciples were troubled and questioning
c. Jesus’ proof
          1) He is flesh and bones
          2) He shows them his wounds
          3) He talks
2. Statement 2: All prophetic Scripture must be fulfilled (v.44-49)
a. The forewarning
b. The utter necessity
c. The spiritual insight needed
d. The particular prophecies
          1) Christ must suffer and arise
          2) Repentance and forgiveness must be preached
          3) The Holy Spirit and power must be sent
Jesus’ Last Appearance: The Ascension, Lk 24:50-53
Luke closes his gospel with the ascension of Christ and begins Acts with the ascension of Christ (Acts 1:9-11). The ascension closes the Lord’s earthly ministry, His mission to save the world. On the other hand, the ascension opens the Lord’s heavenly ministry. Therefore the ascension is the beginning of his journey into heaven as the Lord and the Saviour of the world to judge the living and the dead.
1. The purpose of the ascension (v.50-51)
a. To bless
b. To provide a witness and give great assurance
2. The disciples’ response to the ascension (v.52-53)
a. Worshipped Him
b. Were filled with joy
c. Worshipped in the temple-continually
Thought: The Lord ascended to the right hand of God, that is, to the position of sovereignty and power (Mk 16:19; Lk 22:69; Acts 1:9-11;2:36;5:31;Eph 1:20; Ph 2:9-11;Rev 5:12). The ascension assures (proves, confirms) that seven things are absolutely certain.
1. The ascension assures that God is, that He is alive and does exist. The fact that Christ was raised up from the dead and taken up into heaven proves that God is. Only God could do such things.
2. The ascension assures that Christ is God’s Son.
3. The ascension assures that heaven is real (Ph 3:20-31).
4. The ascension assures that the gospel is true.
5. The ascension assures that the Great commission is the call and mission of believers.
6. The ascension assures that power is available to carry out the Great Commission (Mt 28:18; Mk 16:20).
7. The ascension assures that we have a very special Helper in heaven, One who really loves and cares for us.

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