Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Thursday:9th Week of the year – A

I Reading: Tobit 6:11.7:1.9-14.8:4-8: The Lord brought you to me so that Sarah might be assigned to you as your wife.
Gospel: Mark 12:28-34: This is the first commandment. The second is like it.
The Question about the Greatest Commandment, Mk 12:28-34
Now the opposition groups chose only one member from among their body to attack Jesus. He was a teacher of the law (Scribe) who was most brilliant and versed in the law.
Jesus used the occasion to teach man the greatest provision and duty of human life: love. Love will provide for every need man has; therefore, love is the greatest duty of man or woman.
1. A Teacher of Law (Scribe) approached Jesus (v.28)
a. Observed Jesus’ arguments
b. posed a test question: which is the most important commandment?
2. The greatest commandment (v.29-31)
a. The Lord our God, the Lord is one
b.  The Lord our God is to be loved
c. The Lord our God demands that we love our neighbours as ourselves
3. The great vastness of the commandment (v.32-34)
a. So great it causes honest and thinking people to agree
b. So great it exceeds all offerings and sacrifices
c. So great it almost assures salvation to those who understand it
Thought: People have to love God supremely (Jude 1:21; 2Th 3:5; Deut 10:12, 11:1; Josh 22:5; Ps 31:23). There are fewer who are open and honest to love God. Some are still away so they are not in the kingdom; they don’t experience God’s love, peace, joy, happiness, forgiveness etc...as a result they experience the emptiness and lack of peace and joy in their lives.

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