Sunday, 4 March 2018

I Reading: Jeremiah 7:23-28: Here is the nation that will not listen to the voice of the Lord its God.
Gospel: Luke 11:14-23: He who is not with me is against.

The Proof that Jesus is the Messiah, 11:14-28
Jesus has been rejected, denied and cursed by most men. Yet there is enormous evidence in this passage.
1.    Jesus proved that He was the Messiah-He cast a demon out of a man (v.14-16)
a.    The people were amazed: Who was Jesus?
b.    Some accused him: He was a deceiver, of Beelzebub
c.     Some tested him: Sought a sing
2.    Illustration 1: a kingdom and a house-He claimed to be another kingdom and house than Satan’s kingdom and house (v.17-18)
3.    Illustration 2: religious exorcist-He claimed the right to be respected, at least as much as other ministers (v.19)
4.    Illustration 3: the finger of God-He claimed to possess the power to usher in the kingdom of God (v.20)
5.    Illustration 4: a stronger man He claimed to be stager than Satan (21-22)
6.    Illustration 5: a shepherd and a flock-He claimed to be the pivotal figure of history (v.23)
7.    Illustration 6: an empty house He claimed that a man must turn form self-reformation to Him and be infilled with His very presence (v.24-26)
8.    Conclusion: The necessary thing-to hear the Word of God and keep it (v.27-28)
Thought: Jesus Christ should be exalted as the Messiah, the Son of God who alone can cast out evil. Therefore, He must be read, quoted and preached day in and day out. Jesus Christ must be honoured by every person or believer (Jn 5:23-24, 39, 40-47; 6:68; 7:46; Rev 3:8; Ps 29:2; Is 25:1).

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