Thursday, 19 July 2018

Gospel: Matthew 12:14-21: Jesus warned them not to make him known; this was to fulfil the prophecy.
I Reading: Exodus 12:37-42: It was night when the Lord brought Israel out of the land of Egypt.
Messiah is the Chosen Servant of God
The Old Testament predicted who the Messiah would be and what His work would be. This passage proves that Jesus fulfilled what was predicted of the Messiah.
1.    Two attitudes toward Jesus and His response (v.14-16)
a.    First attitude: the Pharisees plotted against Jesus, so he withdrew
b.    Second attitude: many followed Jesus, so he healed them
c.     Jesus requested no publicity
2.    Jesus’ person (v.17-18)
a.    God’s chosen servant
b.    God’s Beloved Son
c.     God’s Spirit upon him-fully
3.    Jesus’ work (v.18-21). What Jesus did and the quiet, tender way he went about doing it proved his Messiahship.
a.    He proclaims justice to all peoples
b.    He shows humility
1)    Not strife: arguing
2)    Not crying: reacting
3)    Not fussing
c.     He loves and encourages
d.    He leads justice to victory
e.     He gives hope to all
Thought: Christ submitted to God’s will; therefore he was given a great work to do; he experienced the great trust of God. Christ shuts no man out, but men do shun and avoid, exclude and shut one another out. Jesus reaches out to all, and he shows all how to live a just and righteous life.

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