Monday, 22 October 2018

Gospel: Luke 12:13-21: This hoard of yours, whose will it be?
I Reading: Romans 4:20-25: Scripture says that our faith too will be “considered” if we believe in him.
The Parable of the Rich Fool:
The Man of Wealth and What He Should Fear, Lk 12:13-21
The man of wealth is often self –sufficient, but there are some things he needs to fear.
1. A request for Jesus to give a judicial decision (v.13-14)
a. Brother’s desire for an inheritance and wealth
b. Jesus’ stern refusal
2. Fear this: Life does not consist in things (v.15-19)
a. The serious charge: watch out! Beware
b. The big sin: Greed or covetousness
c. The big “I” (6 times, 16-19): aggressively self-centred
d. The big mistake: self-indulgence and extravagant living
3. Fear this: your life may be required and demanded tonight (v.20)
4. Fear this: wealth is not a permanent possession-someone else gets it (v.20-21)
Thought: Greed-Covetousness (pleonexia): a craving, a desire for more. It is greediness, a dissatisfaction with what is enough. It includes for both material things and fleshly indulgence. It is desiring what belongs to others; snatching at something that belongs to others; a love of having, a cry of give me, give (2Pet 2:14; Mt 6:19-21, 24; 16:26; Eph 5:3-5)

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