Wednesday, 19 June 2019

I Reading: 2Corinthians 11:1-11: I preached the gospel of God to you and took no fear for it.
Gospel: Matthew 6:7-15: You should pray like this.
The Three Great Rules for Prayer, 6:7-8
Among the religious there is often a tendency toward long prayers, particularly in public. Too often people measure prayer by its fluency, length and devotion. “Be not rash with mouth...(Eccl 5:2). Christ teaches us very simple models, methods and three great rules how to pray.
  1. 1.Rule 1: do not use empty repetition (v.7)
  2. 2.Rule 2: do not speak much (v.7)
  3. 3.Trust God (v.8)
  1. a.He knows your needs
  2. b.He desires to hear your prayer
The Model Prayer, 6:9-13
The Lord’s Prayer is a model prayer that is to be prayed through and not just recited. Jesus Christ taught his disciples how to pray...
  1. 1.There is surrender and acknowledgement (v.9)
  1. c.To our Father in heaven
  2. d.To God’s holy name
  1. 1.There is a request and plea (v.10-13)
  1. e.For God’s kingdom
  2. f.For God’s will
  3. g.For daily bread
  4. h.For forgiveness
  5. i.For deliverance
  1. 1.There is a praise and commitment (v.13)
The Basic Principle of Prayer: Forgiveness, 6:14-15
Jesus taught the forgiveness is a condition and necessary for a prayer in life.
  1. 1.The promise: forgive others and be forgiven (v.14)
  2. 2.The warning: refuse to forgive others and be forgiven (v.15)
Thought: the greatest thing in all the world is to be forgiven our sins by God and to forgive our enemies and neighbours.

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