21st Sunday in Ordinary Time-C
I Reading: Isaiah
66:18-21: They will bring all your brothers from
all the nations.
II Reading: Hebrews
12:5-7.11-13: The
Lord trains the one that he loves.
Gospel: Luke
13:22-30: Men from east
and west will come to take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God.
Salvation cannot be taken for granted. It is given by God to those who respond
in faith.
The Saved Discussed
Who are the saved? Will many
be saved? Shall I be saved or shall I be lost? Jesus answers these questions in
this passage. Faith teaches us that this earthly life will come to an end and
that death will introduce us to a new life that lasts forever with God. God wants everyone saved. In the gospel; the man did not look for or seek personal salvation but he asked and discussed with Jesus the
salvation of a few people or many. The Jews were thinking by birth as Jew and after circumcision, they are going to be saved but Jesus said to enter through the
narrow gate or door which means by self-denial and faith in Jesus Christ as the
Messiah and the Saviour of the world. If we wish to enter heaven we must leave
all evil actions and pride; instead, we need total obedience to God’s will and
humility. Self-denial is very important to enter the narrow gate. Jesus
said if you would follow me; take up your cross and follow me. If anyone saves
his life will lose it and anyone who loses his life for my sake will save it
(Lk 11:9-10; 9:23-24).
The narrow gate or
door is specific, very specific, the only way and a straight and not crooked way to
enter to be saved. Jesus Christ is the only way, the truth and the life (Jn
14:6). So we need to seek, search and look for God to be saved not by baptism
(by Christians) or circumcision (by Jews) or fellowships (by other churches)
but by our committed life, self-denial and faith in Christ. We need every
effort to struggle and work hard to enter into the narrow gate (Jesus).
To be “saved” means “to be
with God in our present and future life” to see Him, to share His life and joy
and peace. To be “lost” means not to be admitted into God’s presence and to be
deprived of God’s life, joy and peace forever. When we speak of “heaven” and
“hell”, we are not speaking about places but of “states” (ways) of being:
“heaven” means “to be with God”, while “hell” means to be deprived of Him. God
wants and longs that everyone may be saved in heaven with Him and forever. It
is up to us to decide or choose whether to be saved or to be lost.
We need to try to enter by the narrow door with humility and obedience to God’s
teachings and commands. We cannot enter into heaven with pride, Selfishness,
self-righteousness, disobedience to God’s will and teachings, jealousy, envy,
hatred and all evil actions.
Jesus answers to challenge us
so that we will make sure we are saved.
1. Jesus journeyed toward
Jerusalem (v.22-23)
a. Taught in the cities and
b. Along the way, someone
questioned Jesus about salvation
2. The saved make every
effort to enter the narrow door (v.24)
3. The saved act soon enough:
A man moves too late (v.25)
4. The saved are not the
citizens of so-called Christian nations nor members of certain fellowships
5. The saved shall be
separated from the lost, and the lost shall see them enter God’s kingdom
6. The saved will come from
all nations and classes of society (v.29-30)
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