Saturday, 17 December 2022

 Fourth Sunday of Advent: Year- A

First Reading: Isaiah 7:10-14: The maiden is with child.

Second Reading: Romans 1:1-7: Jesus Christ, a descendant of David, Son of God.

The Gospel: Matthew 1:18-25: Jesus is born of Mary who was betrothed to Joseph, son of David.

Jesus’ Divine Birth: Unusual Events, Mt 1:18-25

The coming of God’s Son into the world was the most phenomenal event in all of history. It necessitated and caused some very unusual events. Joseph was a just and righteous man and accepted Mary through trust and faith in God as his mission to be the foster father of Jesus the Son of God with humility and doing God’s will with obedience like Mary did in her life.

The Message is like Joseph:

We need to trust in God and listen to him and be faithful to God always.

We need to experience Immanuel in our life and change the world.

Do we have any gifts for our Birthday Baby Jesus today?

Let us be a Christmas gift to others with the love of God and his mercy, compassion and forgiveness toward our brothers and sisters around us.


1. His birth was of the Spirit (v.18)

2. His birth created a predicament (v.18-19)

a. Joseph’s predicament: Mary was pregnant before marriage

b. Joseph’s character and solution

          1) Character: A righteous man

          2) Solution: Not expose Mary

3. His birth necessitated a special revelation (v.20-21)

a. To give assurance

          1) He was chosen

          2) He was not to fear

b. To guide: In taking Mary to be his wife

c. To explain: The child of the Spirit

d. To reveal the Child’s destiny

          1) His name: Jesus

          2) His mission: To save

4. His birth was a fulfilment of prophecy (v.22-23)

a. Predicting His virgin birth

b. Predicting His name: Immanuel

5. His birth brought about great obedience (v.24-25)

Thought: God chose the name of His Son, Jesus (iesous): Saviour; He will save. The Hebrew form is Joshua (yasha), meaning Jehova is salvation; He is Saviour. The idea is that of deliverance, of being saved from some terrible disaster that leads to perishing (Jn 3:16; Rom 8:3; Gal 1:4; Heb 2:14-18;7:25). Jesus’ mission was to save and His purpose for living. God gave Him a mission-the purpose for every person’s life who looks to God as Jesus looked (Mt 20:28; Lk 19:10; Jn 20:21).

God met Joseph when he took time to get alone and to think. The right frame of mind is essential in order to hear and receive the message of God.

The believer who gets along with God and thinks through the trials confronting him will be met by God. God will give assurance and guide the believer (Mt 6:33; Ph 4:6-7; Jn 16:13; Rom 8:13; 13:5).

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