Saturday, 25 March 2023


I Reading: Ezekiel 37:12-14: I will put my spirit in you, and you will live.

II Reading: Romans 8:8-11: The Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you.

Gospel: John 11:1-45: I am the resurrection and the life.

The Death of Lazarus and Its Purposes, 11:1-16

Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life. The death of Lazarus gave Jesus the opportunity to reveal Himself as the resurrection and the life. There were seven purposes for Lazarus’ death. Each purpose is also applicable to the death of the believer.

1. Lazarus was sick (v.1-3)

          a. His home was Bethany

          b. His sisters were Mary and Martha

          c. His sisters went the news of Lazarus’ sickness to Jesus

2. Purpose 1: To glorify God and to proclaim that Jesus is the Son of God (v.4)

3. Purpose 2: To show Jesus’ great love

4. Purpose 3: To show the necessity for waiting upon God in great crises

5. Purpose 4: to teach the need to grasp opportunity (v.7-10)

            a. The disciples protested Jesus’ return to Jerusalem: Because of the threat to his life

            b. Jesus’ reply: There is a duty to work to do what is right, to grasp the opportunity regardless of the danger

6. Purpose 5: To show Jesus’ power over death (v.11-14)

            a. Jesus called Lazarus “our friend”

            b. Jesus predicted Lazarus would be raised

            c. The disciples misunderstood

            d. Jesus said that death is as “sleep”

7. Purpose 6: To help strengthen the disciples’ belief (v.15)

8. Purpose 7: To stir the disciples’ courage and loyalty (v.16)

Jesus and Martha: A Growth in Faith, Jn 11:17-27

This passage is a dynamic conversation between Jesus and Martha. What happened caused a great growth in Martha’s faith. A seeking heart and a study of the conversation will cause any believer’s faith to grow significantly.

1. The scene was Bethany, a suburb of Jerusalem-about two miles away (v.17-20)

            a. Lazarus: had been in the tomb for four days

            b. Friends: comforted the family

            c. Martha: went to meet Jesus

            d. Mary: stayed at home

2. Martha’s complaining, limited faith (v.21-22)

            a. Her complaining belief

            b. Her limited belief: that His power was less than God’s power

3. Martha’s fundamental faith (v.23-24)

            a. Jesus’ declaration

            b. Martha’s expression of faith

4. Martha’s declared faith (v.25-27)

            a. Jesus’ great claim

            b. Jesus’ promise: believe

            1) He who believes and dies shall live

            2) He who lives and believes shall never die; he never perishes

            c. Martha’s declaration

                        1) The Christ

                        2) The Son of God

                        3) Sent by God

Jesus and Mary: The Real Needs of Man, Jn 11:28-37

Any person has great needs. These are seen in the experience of Mary with Jesus.

1. Need 1: The glorious message of Christ (v.28)

            a. He is the “Teacher”

            b. The Teacher “is here”

            c. The Teacher asks “for you”

2. Need 2: The right response-arise quickly and come to Christ (v.29-30)

3. Need 3: The reaching out of people to help others (v.31)

4. Need 4: The confession of faith (even if it is limited and weak) (v.32)

            a. The confession: Lord

            b. The complaining, limited faith

5. Need 5: The understanding, feelings and compassion of Jesus (v.33-36)

            a. He was deeply moved

                        1) Over death

                        2) Over man’s pain

            b. He asks where the dead person is

            c. He weeps in love: Over death and man’s pain

6. Conclusion: The misunderstanding of man-How could Jesus love so much and let this happen? (v.37)

Jesus and Lazarus: Power Over Death, Jn 11:38-46

Jesus Christ confronted death and demonstrated His great power over death. In confronting and conquering the tomb of Lazarus, He demonstrated that the believer’s hope is not in vain. The believer will be raised from the dead, and resurrected by the great shout of the Lord’s power.

1. Jesus confronted the dead (v.38-39)

            a. He was deeply moved

            b. He was confronted with a believer’s objection

2. The great promise of unlimited, resting faith (v.40)

3. The great prayer of purpose (v.41-42)

            a. Addressed God as “Father”

            b. Made a request

            c. Offered thanksgiving

            d. Expressed perfect confidence e. Before testimony


4. The great shout of power over death (v.43-44)

            a. Was by Christ alone

            b. Was personal: By name

            c. The result

                        1) The dead arose

                        2) The resurrected received Jesus’ personal attention

5. Conclusion: The reaction to Jesus’ great power (v.45-46)

            a. Some believed, put their faith in Him

            b. Some caused trouble

Thought: Jesus always prayed with purpose; therefore, He always received the answer to His prayer and bore testimony to the power of prayer. So it is with every true believer. Jesus is “the resurrection and the life.” Jesus is “the source of life and the cause of every resurrection.” Let us believe in Him.

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