Thursday, 6 April 2023





First Reading: Isaiah 52:13-53:12: He was pierced through for our faults.

Second Reading: Hebrews: He learnt to obey through suffering and became for all who obey him, the source of eternal salvation.

Gospel:The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John. 18:1-19:42

The Passion narrative explains the suffering and death of Jesus Christ to save the whole world. Jesus conquered sin and death through his total obedience to the Will of God, his complete trust in his Father and his humility until death on the cross; therefore God raised him from death. Although his nature was divine, he did not count equality with God but humbled himself like a slave unto death.

The scribes, Pharisees, chief priests, elders, Iscariot Judas one of his disciples, his own people and the common crowd went against him and wished Jesus to be crucified. Even Pilate did not give him justice during verdict. What a pity! What an injustice, exploitation, abuse, corruption and inhuman life was/is in the society and in the world! Even the crowd said let him to be crucified and his blood should come on us and on our children.

What is the cause or reasons of his death? Jesus spoke the truth, proclaimed the Word of God/ message of God, directly attacked the hypocrisy of the religionists, loved the sinners, out casts, tax collectors, gentiles and healed the sick on the Sabbath and raised the dead, ate food without washing his hands and legs, even his own disciples plucked and ate corns from other’s field. The authorities and people did not obey to the teachings of Jesus, neither they repented for their sins nor they listened to God’s commandments. They wanted to live and do as they liked independently without obeying to God’s message and the teachings of Jesus.

According to the Gospel of John, the glorification of Jesus took place on the cross and brought salvation to the world.

The celebration of the Lord’s Passion consisting of three parts, namely:

1. The Liturgy of the Word

2. The Adoration of the Cross

3. Holy Communion

Thought: The world’s religion allows people to continue in their own way and do pretty much as they wish and still feel acceptable to God. Just think for a moment!

Jesus gives us an excellent picture of absolute surrender. He went forth devotionally, willingly, vicariously and purposefully to die- to drink the cup that was/is the cup of his covenant which was/is shed for the forgiveness of sins for all/many.

How few people proclaim the true teaching of Jesus Christ and so few people are willing to sacrifice their lives for the world to reach a lost, starving and diseased world (Mt 19:21-22; 19:23-26; 1Jn 2:15-16).

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