2nd February,
I Reading: Malachi 3: 1-4: Look, I am going to send my messenger to
prepare a way before me.
II Reading: Hebrew 2:14-18:
Gospel: Luke 2:22-40
We are celebrating today an important event in
the life of Jesus: his presentation to God in the Temple of Jerusalem by his
parents, forty days after his birth. This is a very ancient feast, one of the
oldest in the church that it was celebrated in Jerusalem less than four hundred
years after the birth of Jesus Christ that we celebrate today. This feast
contains a special message for all Christians. Let us try to discuss this
message in the readings of today.
1. A prophecy of Malachi: Yahweh made a solemn announcement through the
prophet Malachi:
He would send a messenger to prepare
his way; he planned to come personally to the Temple. He would do so in the
person of the Messiah.
He would cleanse priests and people
of their sins so as to enable them to offer a sacrifice worthy of Yahweh. But
his offering would not made in Jerusalem alone; it would be carried out “from the farthest East to the farthest
West”, that is, by all nations throughout the world. (Mal 1:11)
is to say: the Messiah would come; He would indeed be the Messenger of Yahweh
to all mankind; he would cleanse them of their sins, and lead them to worship
God in a worthy manner. This is the content of today’s first reading.
2. The prophecy of Malachi was fulfilled as Jesus was presented in the
Temple: it took nearly 500 years for God to fulfil what he had announced
through his prophet. After the birth of the first child, presentation to the
Lord, for forty days for the male child
and for eighty days for the female child, the mother was permitted to
attend in the public service. (Lev 12:1-8; Ex 13:12-14).
3. What did really take place at the presentation of Jesus to God in the
The surrender to the Will of His
Father which he had carried out at the very moment of his conception in the
womb of Mary (Heb 10: 5-7).
4. Simeon and Anne: only the Spirit of God can lead a person to discover who
Jesus is and to accept him as one’s own Savior.
5. Mary and Joseph were led to accept God’s plans to save the world (Lk
2:33-35; 1:38; Mt 1:20; Heb 2:18)
Thought: Jesus is our light of everyone (Jn 1:9). His presentation
in the Temple teaches and leads us to a complete surrender to God’s plans in
our lives as Mary, Joseph and Jesus did the Will of God in their lives.
Today’s feast conveys a particular message to parents, namely that,
their children belong to God more
than to them; they must therefore lead them not only to the Temple or Church,
but to God.
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