Monday, 9 January 2012

Tuesday: 1st-Week in Ordinary Time-Year-B:
I Reading: 1Samuel 1:9-20: The Lord was mindful of Hannah and she gave birth to Samuel.
Gospel: Mark 1:21-28: He taught them with authority.
Jesus’ Teaching and Its Impact: Launching a New Ministry (1:21-22)
Jesus is launching a new ministry in the very beginning with his authority which is very important for the believer as he goes forth serving his Lord.
1.     Jesus began with worship: Immediately-in the Synagogue (v.21)
2.     Jesus seized the opportunity to teach (v.21)
3.     Jesus amazed the crowd (v.22)
a.     His teaching (v.14-15)
b.     His authority

Jesus’ Power over Evil Spirits and Its Impact: Delivering the Most Enslaved (1:23-28)
People can be delivered from all the forces of evil by the power of Jesus. Jesus has the power to deliver man (Rom 8:31; 1Jn 4:4; Mt 8:28-34; 17:14-21; Lk 8:26-39)
1.     Picture 1: The need of the possessed man (v.23-24)
a.     He was in the synagogue: nobody helped him or cured him
b.     He raged and cried out, sensed and recoiled from purity
c.      He identified Jesus
2.     Picture 2: The Power of Jesus (v.25-26)
a.     Jesus rebuked the evil spirit
b.     The evil spirit obeyed
3.     Picture 3: The impact upon people (v.27-28)
a.     The people were amazed
b.     The people questioned: What power, what new revelation (teaching) is this?
c.      The people spread his fame
Thought: knowing that Jesus is the Holy One of God is not enough. A person has to believe in the power of Jesus Christ and love him and live a clean and pure heart.
One of the major purposes of Jesus in confronting evil spirits was to prove his Messiahship (Mt 8:28-34). He is the Messiah.

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