Sunday, 22 July 2012


Gospel: Matthew 12:38-42: The queen of the south will rise up with this generation and condemn it.

I Reading: Micah 6: 1-4.6-8: It has been explained to you, man, what the Lord asks of you.

Messiah’s Answer to an Evil generation or Apostates, Mt 12:38-45

It is evil to seek special or spectacular signs while we pray to God. Jesus is very clear on this point. Why? Because God has given every sign that could be needed in Christ himself.

1.     An evil  generation sought a sign (v.38-40)

a.     Jesus condemned his generation as evil and adulterous

b.    Jesus gave one sign

1)    The sign: symbolized by Jonah

2)    The sign: his death and resurrection

2.     An evil generation was condemned because it did not repent (v.41)

a.     Nineveh will testify against

b.    Why: now a greater messenger than Jonah

c.      Result: condemnation

3.     An evil generation was condemned because it did not seek the greater wisdom (v.42)

a.     The question of Sheba will testify against

b.    Why: now a greater one than Solomon to impart the truth

4.     An evil generation followed a false religion that of self reformation (v.43-45)

a.     Illustration: A parable

1)    Man reforms his life

2)    Man fails to fill his life with Christ

b.    Result

1)    Greater depravity

2)    End condition is worse

c.      Point: a generation that rejects Christ is fit for the takeover of evil

Thought: Evil can be conquered through Christ. Christ will hear and answer prayer, meeting the true needs of his people. But he will not fill the selfish lusts of people, nor satisfy the curiosity of the carnal. God has given the ultimate signs: He has given His Son: His death, burial and resurrection.

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