Monday, 23 July 2012


Gospel: Matthew 12:46-50: Stretching out his hand towards his disciples he said, “Here are my mother and brothers.”

I Reading: Micah 7:14-15.18-20: To the bottom of the seas throw all our sins.

Messiah’s Answer to Doubting Relatives, Mt 12:46-50

The family can be subtle and powerful opposition. In fact, there is no stronger opposition than a family that misunderstands or stands against one of its own members who has accepted Christ. Jesus had declared, “A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household” (Mt 10:34-39). He was now experiencing this opposition himself. Only his mother Mary was acting out of a mother’s love and a sense of her responsibility for her son (see outline Mk 3:31-32). Nevertheless, she was wrong.

1.     He was misunderstood by his family (v.46-47)

a.     They “stood outside”: disturbed by his claims. Even they did not understand his work and mission of his Father

b.    They tried to interrupt his ministry

2.     He proclaimed the existence of a unique family (v.48-50)

a.     It is not based on blood relationships

b.    It is based on discipleship: doing the will of God

c.      It is based on doing God’s will

d.    It is based on a heavenly, spiritual relationship with God as Father

Thought: Jesus was preaching when his family interrupted him. He controlled the situation. We should control our reactions when we are interrupted, as difficult as it may be.

Opposition, even from our family, should not cause us to forsake our calling and mission. Christ continued on fulfilling all that God had called him to do.

Christ sets the supreme example of loyalty to God and to the family of God. The believer’s commitment to Christ is not for the purpose of minimizing the family but to give God His rightful place: supreme over our lives.

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