Friday, 14 September 2012



Gospel: Luke 6:43-49: Why do you call me, “Lord, Lord” and not do what I say?

I Reading: 1Corinthians 10:14-22: Though there are many of us, we form a single body because we all share in one Lord.

Jesus Teaches Two Foundations of Life:

Genuine vs. Counterfeit Discipleship, 6:46-49

There is only one foundation for every life: Jesus Christ (1Cor 3:11). He is the Rock upon which both individuals and churches are to build (Mt 16:18). Jesus teaches that there are two kinds of builders.

a. A wise builder: hears and obeys (v.47-48)

b. A foolish builder: hears and does not obey (v.49)

1. The foundation of discipleship is obedience (v.46)

2. The true disciple: lays a foundation (v.47-48)

a. he comes and hears and does

b. he is like a builder

               1) he builds a house

               2) he digs deep

               3) he lays a rock foundation

c. results: it stands

3. The false disciple: lays no foundation (v.49)

a. he hears but does not obey

b. he is like a builder

               1) builds a house

               2) does not dig

               3) lays no foundation

c. Result: a great fall

Thought: The Lord is not a lifeless rock, but “the living stone” (1Pet 2:4). A man person must build upon Jesus Christ. There is no other foundation that can withstand the coming storms of trouble, problems, afflictions, evil and death.

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