Wednesday, 12 September 2012


Gospel: Luke 6:27-38: Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate.

I Reading: 1Corinthians 8:1-7. 11-13: By injuring the weak consciences of your brothers you sin against Christ.

Jesus Teaches the New Principles of Life, Lk 6:27-38

The principles spelled out by Jesus are shocking. They go every grain of society and every fiber of a man’s being. Man rebels by nature against what Jesus is saying; however the new principles  must be heeded, for they are the salvation of society and the hope of man for life.

1. The principles of life (v.27-31)

a. Governing relationship

          1) love and do good

          2) bless and pray

          3) offer the other cheek

b. Governing property

          1) deprive not

          2) give

          3) do not demand material goods

c. Governing behaviour

2. The argument: A disciple’s behaviour must surpass a sinner’s (v.32-34)

a. in love

b. in doing good

c. in lending

3. The reward for living right (v.35-36)

a. shall be great

b. shall be the children of the Most High

c. shall be acting as God’s children

4. The promise: Reciprocal behaviour-you will receive what you give (v.37-38)

a. in relationships

b. in property

c. the principle: a person receives what he/she gives

Thought: Believers are to love all people, even enemies which is the true teaching of Jesus Christ.

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