Thursday, 30 May 2013

Saturday:8th Week of the year-C-Cycle I


I Reading: Ecclesiasticus 51:12-20: Glory be to him who has given me wisdom.

Gospel: Mark 11: 27-33: What authority have you for acting like this?

The Authority of Jesus Questioned: Two Choices Concerning Jesus,

Mk 11:27-33

This is an important event. Both religionists and civil leaders confronted Jesus head-on, doing all they could to trap and discredit Jesus before the people so they could arrest him and have him killed. Jesus was very forceful in attacking self-righteousness and unbelief. Jesus said, a person even a religionist, who continued in self-righteousness was unworthy of God’s kingdom. Obstinate unbelief would doom any person.

1. Jesus was in the temple (v.27)

a. He was walking

b. The religionists approached and questioned him

2. The question of Jesus’ authority (v.28)

a. Authority of works

b. Authority of person

3. The Choices for man: Illustrated by John the Baptist (v.29-32)

a. Choice one: He was from God

b. Choice two: He was a mere man

4. The tragic answer: No decision (v.33)

Thought: Indecision and agnosticism are always tragic. They just would not convinced of the truth even if Jesus Christ openly revealed the truth to them, they would reject.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Friday:8th Week of the year-C-Cycle I


I Reading: Ecclesiasticus 44:1.9-13: Our ancestors were generous men, and their name lives on for all generations.

Gospel: Mark 11: 11-26: My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples. Have faith in God.

The Fig Tree Cursed: A Warning Against a Fruitless Life, Mk 11:12-14

Why did Jesus destroy the fig tree? Two things always need to be remembered.

1. God is both good and severe. As Paul says, “consider therefore the kindness and the sternness of God” (Rom 11:22).

2. Jesus always acted either to teach people or to save and help people. In the destruction of the fig tree, Jesus was teaching people a much needed lesson-a lesson that shouts loudly, “Be fruitful! Guard against profession without bearing fruit.”

1. Jesus had need (v.12)

2. Jesus was potential (v.13)

3. Jesus examined the fruit (13)

4. Jesus condemned profession without fruit (faith in God) (v.14)

The Temple Cleansed: A Warning to Those Who Abuse God’s Temple,

Mk 11:15-19

The cleansing of the temple took place on Monday, the day after the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. He entered the temple and “looked around at everything” (v.11), observing all that was going on. He stood off to the side observing all the corruption. After some time, heartbroken and weary, he left, returning to Bethany to spend Sunday night. When he rose on Monday morning, he returned to the temple and cleansed it of those who profaned its sacredness.

Four things should be noted about the temple during this last week of our Lord’s life.

1. Jesus was ending his ministry in the temple, his Father’s house of prayer, the place where God’s presence dwells in a special way.

2. Jesus was revealing who he was by cleansing the temple.

3. In cleansing the temple, Jesus was revealing how people were to retreat and use the temple of God.

4. Jesus began and ended his ministry by cleansing the temple.

When our Lord entered Jerusalem, he did not go up to the palace of a king, nor to the courts of the rulers; but he went up to the temple, to the House of God and taught us how the temple is to be used.

1. Jesus entered the temple (v.15)

2. Jesus drove some out of the temple (v.15-17)

a. Those who commercialized or secularized religion

b. Those who desecrated God’s house

c. Those who affected the atmosphere of prayer

d. Those who shut people out

e. Those who changed the purpose of the temple

3. Jesus caused a reaction when the truth of the temple was proclaimed (v.3)

a. Some sought to persecute him

b. Some were amazed

4. Jesus left when the truth was rejected (v.19)

The Conditions of Prayer, Mk 11:20-26

Prayer has its conditions. Jesus used the fig tree to teach what the conditions of prayer are.

1. The fig tree was noticed, cp. V.12-14 (v.20-21)

a. The tree had been cursed by Jesus

b. Peter was surprised at the answer to Jesus’ prayer

2. Condition 1: Faith in God (v.22-23)

a. The object of faith: God

b. The purpose of faith: To remove mountains

c. The way to possess faith: Prayer

          1) Not doubting- in your heart

          2) Believing-in God’s authority

d. The results of faith

3. Condition 2: Expectancy (v.24)

a. Emotions: Desire

b. Will: Ask

c. Spirit: Believe

4. Condition 3: Forgiveness: While praying, forgive (v.25)

Thought: How many today would be gotten rid of if they really sought to cleanse the church of the abusers and secular activities often allowed and promoted within its walls? (1Tim 6:10; James 5:3; Prov 16:8; Jer 17:11)

Thursday:8th Week of the year-C-Cycle I


I Reading: Ecclesiasticus 42:15-25: The work of the Lord is full of his glory.

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52: Master, let me see again.

The Steps for Getting Help: Blind Bartimaeus, Mk 10:46-52

This is the picture of a man’s needing help and needing it desperately. As we read the story, there is no question but that the man’s blindness is  a picture of the blindness, darkness and needs of a world that reels in desperation for help. They need may be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Whatever it is, this passage spells out the  steps for getting help.

1. Jesus in Jericho (v.46)

a. The disciples and the crowd

b. A blind man sat beginning

2. Step 1: Believing the reports about Jesus

3. Step 2: Acknowledging personal need

4. Step 3: Persisting, persevering after Jesus

5. Step 4: Eagerly expecting to receive Jesus’ help (v.49-50)

a. Jesus stopped and called to the man

b. The man threw aside the impeding cloak

6. Step 5: Requesting precisely what is needed (v.51-52)

7. Step 6: Following Jesus (v.52)

Thought: A person must go where he/she knows Jesus is, where Jesus “passes by.”  A person must go where he/she  hear Jesus, or he/she may miss the chance of eternal life.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Wednesday:8th Week of the year-C –Cycle I


I Reading: Ecclesiasticus 36:1.4-5.10-17: Let the nations know that there is no God but you, Lord.

Gospel: Mark 10:32-45: Now we are going up to Jerusalem and the Son of Man is about to be handed over.

The Third Prediction of Death: The Problem of Christ’s Death,

Mk 10:32-45

This is the third time that Mark stresses the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This passage gives a striking portrait of Jesus and deals very straightforwardly with the problem of His death.

1. Jesus’ iron determination (v.32)

2. Jesus’ amazing drawing power (v.32)

3. Jesus’ thoughtful consideration (v.32)

4. Jesus’ magnificent love and courage (v.33)

a. He will be betrayed to the Jews and condemned

b. He shall be handed down to the Gentiles and tortured and killed

5. Jesus’ great purpose (v.34)

The Problem of Ambition, Mk 10:35-45

Jesus teaches his disciple James and John about their positions in Jesus’ government. His government was not based on worldly power or position or authority but by His death and resurrection with humility.

1. The deceitfulness of wrong ambition (v.35)

a. A secret approach v.41

b. An unlimited request

2. The possible motives for ambition (v.36-37)

a. Favoritism and wealth

b. Power and social status

c. Love, faith and loyalty

3. The great price of ambition (v.38-38)

a. The cup: sacrifice and suffering

b. The baptism: immersed and submerged

c. The prophecy: the certainty of paying the price

4. The exclusive right of God regarding ambition (v.40)

5. The potential conflict among people with ambition (v.41)

6. The greatness of good ambition (v.42-44)

a. Not to rule, not to exercise authority

b. To be servant

c. To be a slave, a bond slave

7. The supreme example of ambition (v.45)

a. Supreme humiliation

b. Supreme mission

c. Supreme price

Thought: Wrong or evil ambition is always deceitful and sneaky. A good ambition is needed always and we can encourage people to build up the kingdom  or reign of God in our lives, homes, societies and in the world.

Tuesday:8th Week of the year-C -Cycle I


I Reading: Ecclesiasticus 35:1-12: A man offers communion sacrifices by following the commandments.

Gospel: Mark 10:28-31: You will be repaid a hundred times over, not without persecutions, now in this present time and, in the world to come, eternal life.

The Problem of Rewards: What One Receives for Following Christ,

Mk 10:28-31

The idea of rewards in heaven is foreign to many. It is rejected by others, feeling the idea of God’s rewarding people is mercenary. Scripture abounds with the teaching of rewards “in the age to come” (v.30).

Reward is the point of this passage. Jesus deals with the problem of rewards, of just what a true disciple shall receive both in this world and in the world to come (Lk 16:10-12; Jn 4:36-38).

1. Peter asked about reward (v.28)

2. He receives a hundred times what he gives up (v.29-30)

a. Whether housing or family

b. Whether property or wealth

3. He receives persecution (v.30)

4. He receives eternal life (v.30)

5. He receives an immediate assurance and warning (v.31)

Thought: Leaving everything and following Jesus Christ are the two bases for reward. A true disciple of Jesus will live for Christ and for the Gospel.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Monday:8th Week of the year-C -Cycle I

I Reading: Ecclesiasticus 17:24-29: Return to the Lord and leave sin behind.

Gospel: Mark 10:17-27: Sell everything you own and follow me.

The Rich Young Ruler: The Problem of Eternal Life, Mk 10:17-22

This man is known as “the rich young ruler.” He is called because of the combined picture gleaned from all three gospels.

·       He was rich (Mt 19:22; Mk 10:22; Lk 18:23).

·       He was young (Mt 19:20).

·       He was a ruler (Lk 18:18).

He was a rare young man among the people of this day. This is seen in two facts.

1. He was conscious, responsible, dependable-position of leadership.

2. He was eagerly seeking eternal life-a spiritual matter often shunned by young people.

Man/woman has a problem in seeking eternal life.

1. A rich young man sought Jesus (v.17)

a. Eagerness: Ran

b. Humility: Fell on knees

c. Respect: Good Teacher

d. Concern: Eternity

2. Fact 1: To praise Christ is not enough to receive eternal life (v.18)

3. Fact 2: To be respectable is not enough to receive eternal life (v. 19-20)

a. Laws of respectability

b. His respectable character

4. Fact 3: To be loved by Jesus is not enough to receive eternal life (v.21)

5. Fact 4: To give everything is required  to receive eternal life (v.21-22)

a. The meaning: Total and sacrificial giving; the abandonment of all

b. The result: The result: the requirement is sad new-he goes away

The Problem of Wealth and Its Dangers, Mk 10:23-27

Jesus took the rich young ruler’s rejection of heaven and warned all people about the problem and dangers of wealth. It is extremely difficult for a rich man to enter heaven. It is a real and truthful warning to all of us.

1. The rich young ruler (v.23)

a. The earth-shaking statement

b. Peril of wealth: Bars from God’s kingdom

2. Rich men face great difficulty-spiritually (v.25)

3. Rich men are set on a pedestal by the world (v.26)

4. Rich men have only one hope-God alone (v.27)

a. God alone can save

b. God alone judges

Thought: Money and possessions can facilitate our lives and cannot save us but God alone.

Saturday, 25 May 2013


I Reading: Proverbs 8:22-31: Before the earth came into being, Wisdom was born.

II Reading: Romans 5:1-5: To God, through Christ, in the love poured out by the Spirit.

Gospel: John 16:12-15: Everything the Father has is mine; all the Spirit tells you will be taken from what is mine.

The Work of the Holy Spirit, Jn 16:7-15

We are celebrating today the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity that there is only one God but three persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All these three persons are equally wise, equally powerful and equally good, and yet distinct from one another, finally that they are not to be taken as three Gods; but there is only one God. They work as undivided unity, eg. God said, ‘let us’(The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit from the very beginning of creation ) make man(collective noun= adam=mankind) in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves..(Gen 1:26-27). The Spirit led ancient people to gradually learn about God. Jesus came into the world to clearly manifest God’s wisdom, power and love. To help us discover the love of the three Divine Persons for us, Jesus provided us with the best teacher he could give: the Holy Spirit, Himself one of the three Divine persons. Hence the Father created us, the Son redeemed us and the Holy Spirit makes us holy. This has been put in another way: the Father is the power of God, the Son is God’s wisdom and the Holy Spirit is God’s love. Paul teaches us that we must accept the training imparted by the Spirit with courage and with love (Rom 5:5). This is the deepest mystery in our Christian faith.

The clearest revelation of the Holy Spirit is given by our Lord Jesus himself. He had already revealed who the person of the Holy Spirit is (Jn 14:15-26). Now He reveals the work of the Holy Spirit.

1. He helps believers (v.7)

a. His help: for the believer’s good

b. His name: The Counselor, Comforter, the Helper

2. He convicts and convinces the world (v.8-11)

a. He convicts: Of sin, righteousness and judgement

b. He convinces

          1) Of sin: Because they believe not on Jesus

          2) Of righteousness: Because Jesus’ righteousness is proven-He is ascended as Lord

          3) Of judgement: Because Jesus condemned Satan

3. He guides believers (v12-13)

a. Through speaking the truth

b. Through leading into all truth

c. Through showing things to come

4. He glorifies Jesus: He shows the things of Jesus to believers (v.14-15)

Thought: Christ is declaring that there is perfect unity in the Godhead (Jn 10:37-38, 14:10, 17:22).

Saturday: 7th Week of the year- C - Cycle I


I Reading: Ecclesiasticus 17:1-15: The Lord God made man in his own image.

Gospel: Mark 10:13-16: Anyone who does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

The Problem of Children and the Truth about Children, Mk 10:13-16

Note that this event with children followed right after the matter of divorce (also cp. Mt 19:13). The family as a whole was being discussed: the husband, wife and children.

The children are a joy, but many are also looked upon a problems. Again tragically, children are sometimes neglected, ignored, oppressed and even abused.

Jesus is the great defender of children, and every man and woman must heed His words.

1. The problem with children (v.13)

a. Totally dependent

b. Cause frivolous pride

c. Interfere with work

2. The truth about children (v.14-16)

a. They are invited to Jesus

b. They are citizens of God’s kingdom

c. They illustrate how one receives the kingdom

d. They are received and blessed by Jesus

e. They respond to Jesus.

Thought: Jesus took the children in his arms and puts his hands on them and blessed them (Ph 3:12-13). Children responded to Jesus. They have nothing to give but themselves with a tender heart and open mind.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

friday: 7th Week of the year- C - Cycle I


I Reading: Ecclesiasticus 6:15-17: A faithful friend is something beyond price.

Gospel: Mark 10:1-12: What God has united, man must not divide.

The Problem of Divorce, Mk 10:1-12

Marriage and divorce are always burning questions, extremely controversial within societies heavily influenced by Christian teaching. Jesus gave a complete exposition on marriage and divorce; latter says He gave them guide lines. There is no divorce at all but an annulment of the marriage and separation of the couples are there due some serious reasons according to the teachings and doctrines of the Church. In Jesus’ day the two schools of thought were the Shammai School (conservative) and the Hillel School (liberal) considers women is property to be possessed by men so for any reason he can divorce. (Mt. 19:1-12; 5:31-32; 1Cor 7:1-16; Eph 5:22-33; Dt 24:1).

1. Jesus began to minister in Judea (v.1-4)

a. The crowds gathered and Jesus taught

b. The Pharisees gathered and asked a trick question: Is divorce legal?

          1) Jesus asked what their law said

          2) The Pharisees replied: The law grants divorce

2. Jesus saw divorce as hardness of heart (v.5)

3. Jesus saw marriage as God’s way-since creation (v.6)

4. Jesus saw marriage as the most precious bond that cleaves or unites (v.7)

5. Jesus saw marriage as the closest of human bonds-as two becoming one flesh (v.8)

6. Jesus saw true marriage as a divine, spiritual bond wrought by God (v.9)

7. Jesus saw marriage and remarriage as adultery (v.10-12)

The Problem of Children and the Truth About Children, Mk 10:13-16

Note that this even with children followed right after the matter of divorce (Mt 19:13). The family as a whole being discussed: the husband, wife and even children.

Children are a joy to the family and world. But tragically sometimes they are neglected, ignored, oppressed, and even abused. In this passage Jesus became violently angry, filled and moved with indignation. Jesus is the great defender of children and every man and woman must heed His words.

1. The problem with children (v.13)

a. Totally dependent

b. Cause frivolous pride

c. Interference with work

2. The truth about children (v.14-16)

a. They are invited to Jesus

b. They are citizens of God’s kingdom

c. They illustrate how one receives the kingdom

d. They are received and blessed by Jesus

e. They respond to Jesus

Thought: God created the human family out of His love to continue the work of God on this earth.

thursday: 7th Week of the year-C-Cycle I


I Reading: Ecclesiasticus 5:1-8: Do not delay your return to the Lord.

Gospel: Mark 9: 41-50: It is better for you to enter into life crippled, than to have two hands and go to hell.

The Terribleness of Sin, Mk 9:42-50

This is a sinful world, full of terrible evil and behaviour. No one can walk out into the world without facing temptation after temptation and pull after pull to look, touch, taste-to experience the good life of physical gratification and earthly comfort and personal fulfilment. We are tempted, seduced and influenced at every turn. There is no escape (Rom 3:9-18).

In this passage Jesus stressed just how terrible sin is, and He warned the sinner. Every person is personally responsible for his/her sin or life. People should not blame the world, society or others, for they have a free will. People can even work to overcome and strengthen their weaknesses and God can provide a way to escape temptation (1Cor 10:13). Every sin becomes a stumbling block to others.

1. The terrible sin of causing others to sin (v.42)

a. Especially causing “little ones” to sin

b. The better alternative: To drown one’s self

2. The terrible sins of the hands (v.43-44)

a. The better alternative: To cut off one’s hand

b. The reason: Sins of the hand condemn one to hell

c. Hell is punishment and it is forever

3. The terrible sins of the feet (v.45-46)

a. The better alternative: To cut off one’s foot

b. The reason: Sins of the feet condemn one to hell

4. The terrible sins of the eye (v.47-48)

a. The better alternative: To pluck out one’s eye

b. The reason: Sins of the eye condemn one to hell

c. Hell is punishment and it is forever

5. The terrible surety of judgement for sin: everyone (v.49)

6. The wonderful challenge to save oneself from sin (v.50)

Thought: The believer is to walk even as Jesus Christ walked.

Wednesday: 7th Week of the year- C- Cycle I

I Reading: Ecclesiasticus 4:11-19: The Lord loves those who love wisdom.

Gospel: Mark 9: 38-40: Anyone who is not against us is for us.

The Conditions of Tolerance, Mk 9:38-41

Jesus had taught a lesson on ambition and service. Now he teaches a lesion on tolerance.

1. John felt guilt-he had rejected a man (v.38-39)

a. A man who was ministering in Jesus’ name

b. The disciples had rebuked him

c. Jesus’ instruction: Receive him

2. Condition 1: If he does not say anything bad about Christ (v.39)

3. Condition 2: If he is not against Christ (v.40)

4. Condition 3: If he shows kindness to the followers of Christ (v.41)

Thought: The disciples made several gross errors like judging others, too exclusive, denied other the right to serve, wrecked a servant’s ministry, they kept many from ever being helped and they taught intolerance.

Intolerance causes strife and division, hurt and pain. It shames and ruins and paralyzes both individuals and churches.