Wednesday, 8 May 2013


I Reading: Acts 18:9-18: I have many people on my side in this city.

Gospel: John 16:20-23: No one shall take your joy from you.

The Resurrection and Its Effects Foretold, Jn 16:20-23

This is one the great passages on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and it is one the glorious passages in all Scripture. It is one of those passages that lays out more than human could ever imagine. Jesus revealed and proclaimed the resurrection and its effects upon the world.


1. The resurrection brings joy-irrepressible, joy (v.20-22)

a. There was grief at first: His death

b. There was then joy: His resurrection

c. There was a good illustration: A woman’s labour

d. There was irrepressible joy

          1) Because of resurrection

          2) Because no person could take the joy away

2. The resurrection gives open access into God’s presence (v.23-24)

a. The glorious promise

b. The institution of prayer “in Jesus’ name”

Thought: The peace and joy of God come only through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, only through his conquest and victory over sin and death.

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