Monday, 27 May 2013

Wednesday:8th Week of the year-C –Cycle I


I Reading: Ecclesiasticus 36:1.4-5.10-17: Let the nations know that there is no God but you, Lord.

Gospel: Mark 10:32-45: Now we are going up to Jerusalem and the Son of Man is about to be handed over.

The Third Prediction of Death: The Problem of Christ’s Death,

Mk 10:32-45

This is the third time that Mark stresses the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This passage gives a striking portrait of Jesus and deals very straightforwardly with the problem of His death.

1. Jesus’ iron determination (v.32)

2. Jesus’ amazing drawing power (v.32)

3. Jesus’ thoughtful consideration (v.32)

4. Jesus’ magnificent love and courage (v.33)

a. He will be betrayed to the Jews and condemned

b. He shall be handed down to the Gentiles and tortured and killed

5. Jesus’ great purpose (v.34)

The Problem of Ambition, Mk 10:35-45

Jesus teaches his disciple James and John about their positions in Jesus’ government. His government was not based on worldly power or position or authority but by His death and resurrection with humility.

1. The deceitfulness of wrong ambition (v.35)

a. A secret approach v.41

b. An unlimited request

2. The possible motives for ambition (v.36-37)

a. Favoritism and wealth

b. Power and social status

c. Love, faith and loyalty

3. The great price of ambition (v.38-38)

a. The cup: sacrifice and suffering

b. The baptism: immersed and submerged

c. The prophecy: the certainty of paying the price

4. The exclusive right of God regarding ambition (v.40)

5. The potential conflict among people with ambition (v.41)

6. The greatness of good ambition (v.42-44)

a. Not to rule, not to exercise authority

b. To be servant

c. To be a slave, a bond slave

7. The supreme example of ambition (v.45)

a. Supreme humiliation

b. Supreme mission

c. Supreme price

Thought: Wrong or evil ambition is always deceitful and sneaky. A good ambition is needed always and we can encourage people to build up the kingdom  or reign of God in our lives, homes, societies and in the world.

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