Thursday, 1 August 2013

Friday: 17th Week in Ordinary Time-C

I Reading: Leviticus 23:1.4-11, 15-16.27.34-37: You are to call these the most solemn festival of the Lord.

Gospel: Matthew 13:54-58: This is the carpenter’s son, surely? Where did the man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?

The Messiah Was Rejected in His Home Town: Why Jesus is Rejected

Jesus was rejected by Nazareth, his hometown and threatened by Herod (Mt 14:1f).

1. Jesus finished teaching the parables (v.53-54)

a. He went to Nazareth, his hometown

b. He taught, but they rejected him

2. Reason 1: They did not understand the source of his wisdom and power (v.54-56)

a. He lacked proper credentials and education

b. He was from humble beginnings

3. Reason 2: They were offended because of him (v.57)

a. Because he was of their own country

b. Because he was of their own house

4. Reason 3: They did not believe him (v.58)

Thought: Prophets should be honoured. Some do honour them, but not everyone. Jesus is saying prophets are worthy of honour (1Tim 5:17).

God cannot work when there is unbelief.

Many judge others by their educations, power, wealth, achievements…is wrong way or means.

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