Monday, 19 August 2013

Tuesday: 20th Week in Ordinary Time-C

I Reading: Judges 6:11-24: Gideon, you will rescue Israel: do I not send you myself?

Gospel: Matthew 19:23-30: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

The Danger of Riches, Mt 19:23-26

Jesus took the rich young ruler’s rejection and warned all people about the dangers of wealth. Wealth is fraught with dangers and pit falls for people who are seeking to be rich and who are already rich. Jesus loves all poor and rich people but what is most important is our great love for God than money or riches or wealth. Some time it is extremely difficult for a rich man to enter heaven because of his love for wealth or money than God.

1. The fact: Wealth pulls a person from the kingdom of heaven (v.23)

a.  Creates big “I” v.16,20

b. Makes one hoard, v.21

c. Attaches to world, v.22

2. The great difficulty illustrated: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (v.24)

3. The shock: Who is saved if wealth is not God’s blessing and a blessing of righteousness? (v.25)

4. The only hope for the rich (v.26)

a. To turn away from men

b. To turn to God and His power

Thought: In the illustration given by Jesus, there are some comparisons between a camel and a rich man.

1) A camel is too big to go through the eye of a needle; a rich man is too big to go through the gate of heaven (1Tim 6:17)

2) A camel never thinks about going through the eye of a needle; a rich man seldom, if ever, thinks about going into heaven (Lk 12:19-20; Prov 18:11; Deut 8:13-14)

3) A camel was not made to go through the eye of a needle; a man was not made for wealth, not made to be possessed and enslaved by the things and possessions of this world (Mk 4:19; 1Tim 6:9)

4) A camel works for its master; a man is to work for his master (God) (Mt 6:24; Col 3:22-24)

The Reward for Believers, Mt 19:27-30

The Lord’s assuring words: “I tell you the truth, that you will also sit on twelve thrones…And everyone who has left [all]…will inherit internal life” (v.28-29).

1. The two essentials for reward (v.27)

a. Must leave everything behind

b. Must follow Christ

2. The apostles’ reward: will reign and rule with Christ (v.28)

a. When: In the new age

b. Purpose: To judge-rule, govern, direct

c. Judge, govern whom: Twelve tribes of Israel

3. The believer’s reward: will receive great reward (v.29)

a. Reason: Left all-supreme allegiance

b. The present reward: A hundred times as much

c. The future reward: Eternal life

4. The Shocking surprise: The severe judgement judgment of believers-perfect justice (v.30)

Thought: Jesus always promises reward to his followers and believers.

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