Sunday, 31 August 2014


Gospel: Luke 6:1-5 : Why are you doing something that is forbidden on the Sabbath day?
I Reading: 1Corinthians 4:6-15: We go without food and drink and clothes.

Jesus Teaches That Need Supersedes Religion, Lk 6:1-11

People have the tendency to institutionalize religion, to  make it full of form and ritual, rules and regulations, ceremonies and services. Men, religionists and lay-men alike, are too often guilty of “having a form of godliness but denying its power” (2Tim 3:5). This is the very point Jesus is making in this passage. The more important things in life to meet the needs of people.
1. The Sabbath (v.1): This is the very thrust of Luke: to show that religion and ritual must never be put before the needs of man (Mt.12:1).
2. Fact 1: Meeting man’s real needs is more important than religion and ritual (v.1-5)
a. The need: the disciples were hungry, so they picked grain
b. The opposition: The religionists became upset because a religious rule was broken.
c. The answer of Jesus: An illustration
1) David hungered
2) David overrode the religious rules to meet a need
d. The point: The Son of Man is as great as David-He is the Lord of the Sabbath
3. Fact 2: Doing good and saving life are more important than religion and ritual (v.6-11)
a. The need: A man’s right hand shrivelled
b. The opposition by the religionists
c. The question and challenge of Jesus
1) He perceived their thoughts
2) He challenged them to think honestly
3) He healed the man doing good
d. The point: To do good and to save life supersedes rituals
e. The religionists’ insane anger

Thought: Christ shows that human needs are far more important than religious rituals and rules. We are not to abuse, neglect or ignore religious worship and ceremonies. Sometimes, however, a real need arise that has to be taken care of immediately.


Gospel: Luke 5:33-39 : When the bridegroom is taken away from them, then they will fast.
I Reading: 1Corinthians 4:1-5: The Lord will reveal the intentions of men’s hearts.
Jesus Reveals His Great Mission: The Great Mission of All, Lk 5:27-39
The greatest life ever lived on earth was the life of Jesus Christ. Therefore no mission cam ever compare with the mission which He was sent to do. The greatest mission of Jesus Christ was…
·        A quickening mission: to make people alive to God
·        An eternal mission: to give people life forever
·        A purposeful mission: to cause people to commit their lives to God unconditionally.
Luke’s very purpose in this passage is to reveal the great mission of Christ with the skilful mind of a man who knew the Lord intimately, he weaves several events together to spell out the great mission of Jesus Christ.
1. The mission of calling out-casts (v.27-29)
a. He went forth
b. He saw
c. He called
d. The outcast left all and followed Jesus
e. The outcast reached his friends
2. The mission of calling sinners to repentance (v.30-22)
a. The religionists questioned Jesus’ associations
b. Jesus’ answer
1) He illustrated His mission
2) He started His mission
3. The mission of bringing real joy (v.33-34)
a. The religionists questioned Jesus’ behaviour
b. Jesus’ answer: His presence brings joy and vitality to life
4. The mission of dying (v.35)
5. The mission of launching a new life and spiritual movement (v.36-39): Jesus gave three points to illustrate what he meant:
a. Illustration 1: Not patching the old, but starting a new: A patch of new cloth is used to patch an old garment, for it fails to match the old garment. Jesus was saying that he was not patching up the old life, but starting a new life and new movement (Mt 9:16; 2:21).
b. Illustration 2: Not putting His teaching (wine) in old wineskin: The new wine is not put into old wineskins, for the new wine would burst the old wineskins. Jesus was saying that he was not putting his teaching into the old life and movement, but he was launching a new life and movement for God (Mk 2:22)
c. Illustration 3: The new is difficult to accept-it takes time: The new wine is difficult to accept if one has been drinking of wine. Jesus was saying that his new life and spiritual movement would be difficult to accept; it would take time. Men/women were slow to give up the old, for they were too content with it (their religious ways and self-righteousness). Therefore, men would often refuse to even consider the new life and movement. (2Cor 5:17; Eph 4:22-23; Col 3:10; Titus 3:5; 1Pet 1:23; 1Jn 5:1; Jn 3:3).

Thought: The person who is truly an outcast of society, who is rejected and despised by people, can be saved and delivered from emptiness and loneliness. Jesus Christ will save him/her. In fact, He longs to save and deliver the outcast, the empty and lonely of the earth.


Gospel: Luke:5: 1-11: They left everything and followed him.
I Reading: 1Corinthians 3:18-23: All things are your servants; but you belong to Christ and Christ belongs to God.
Jesus Calls His First Disciples: Steps to Calling Men, Lk 5:1-11
Jesus Christ set out to catch all men, but he is unable to catch everyone by himself. He needs help, the help of all who will follow him. The present passage is a descriptive picture of how Jesus goes about calling men to help him the enormous task of reaching the world.
1. Lake Gennesaret (v.1)
2. Step 1: Seeing a vision of people who need to hear the Word of God (v.1)
3. Step 2: Seizing resources (v.2-3)
a. seeing the resources available
b. seeing a man: Simon
c. leading the man to serve
4. Step 3: Removing reluctant obedience (v.4-5)
5. Step 4: Demonstrating godly power (6-7)
a. A catch so great the net breaks
b. A catch so great other help is needed
c. A catch so great both boats are filled
d. A catch so great the boats began to  sink
6. Step 5: Stirring a deep confession (v.8-9)
a. of sin
b. of Christ as Lord
c. of awe-reverence-fear
7. Step 6: Challenging men to discipleship, that is, to catch other men/people (v.10)
8. Step 7: Watching for the decision to forsake all (v.11)
Thought: The difference between catching fish means for death and catching men/people for life/alive. The disciples of Jesus were to give life to lifeless as Jesus did.


Gospel: Luke:4:38-44: I must proclaim the Good News to the other towns too, because that is what I was sent to do.
I Reading: 1Corinthians 3:1-9: We are fellow workers with God; you are God’s farm, God’s building.

Jesus Ministers and Makes an Amazing Impact:
A Day in the Life of Jesus, Lk 4:38-44

This is one of the most interesting passages in all of Scripture. This is the very beginning, the very launch of Jesus’ ministry. Note how busy and pressuring and tiring the day was, and note the powerful lessons applicable to our lives.
1. He cured the most needful (v.38-39)
a. so needful, a great fever
b. so needful, could not speak or seek Jesus for herself
c. so needful, could not even come to Jesus
d. so needful, he came and healed her; she arose and ministered
2. He healed the diseases of those who sought him out (v.40)
3. He rebuked the evil spirits from making a false profession (v.41)
4. He sought  to be alone, seeking the presence of God (v.42)
a. He tried to get alone
b. He was sought out and was begged to stay
5. He persisted in His mission despite pressure to be sidetracked (v.43-44)
Thought: Jesus is the great hope of the most needful. No matter how desperate or helpless or weakened-Jesus will speak the Word of healing. All that is needed is a willing heart and mind.


Gospel: Luke:4:31-37: I know who you are: The Holy One of God.
I Reading: 1Corinthians 2:10-16: An unspiritual person does not accept anything of the Spirit of God. A spiritual man, on the other hand, is able to judge the value of everything.
Jesus Ministers and Makes an Amazing impact:
A Day in the Life of Jesus, Lk 4:31-44
This is one of the most interesting passages in all of Scripture. This is the very beginning, the very launch of Jesus’ ministry. Note how busy and pressuring and tiring the day was, and note the powerful lessons applicable to our lives.
1. Jesus went down to Capernaum (v.31)
2. He taught in the morning service with authority (v.32)
3. He delivered the most unclean (33-37)
a. A man with an unclean spirit sat in worship
1) Evil spirits acknowledged Jesus’ deity
2) Jesus rebuked the evil acknowledgement
3) Jesus cast out the unclean spirit
b. The people were amazed
c. The spirit spread His fame
Thought: The person who is morally unclean and dirty is in desperate straits. He is gripped by an evil force that cries out in the very face of God…
Jesus cast out the evil spirit and saved the man. How? By His Word, by simply saying, “Be quiet…come out of him!” Note the great power of the Lord’s Word. ?(Mt 28:18; Jn 17:2)


Gospel: Luke:4:16-30: He has sent me to bring the good news to the poor. No prophet is accepted in his own country.
I Reading: 1Corinthians 2:1-5: I claimed knowledge about the crucified Christ.
Jesus Announces His Mission: A Graphic Picture of Rejection, Lk 4:16-30
Jesus Christ claimed to be the Messiah, and his claim was rejected by the people of his days. His claim is still rejected by people today. A graphic picture of rejection is painted in the present passage.
1. A dramatic scene (v.16)
a. Jesus visited his home town
b. Jesus entered the synagogue-his custom on the Sabboth
2. Scene 1: Jesus’ dramatic reading from the prophet Isaiah-concerned the Messiah (v.17-19)
a. The Messiah was to be anointed by the Spirit
b. The Messiah was to preach the gospel (good news)
c. The Messiah was to minister
d. The Messiah was to preach the age of salvation
3. Scene 2: Jesus’ phenomenal claim (v.20-21)
a. The rapt attention of the people
b. The claim of Jesus to be the Messiah
4. Scene 3: The people’s declining response (v.22-23)
a. First: They were impressed
b. Second: They questioned
c. Third: They demanded proof (insisted He heals (prove) himself, that is, work miracles
5. Scene 4: The people’s painful rejection (v.24-27)
a. Illust. 1: Only one needy widow had her needs met in Elijah’s day-because only one widow accepted Elijah.
b. Illust. 2: Only one needy leper was cleansed in Elisha’s day-because only one leper accepted Elisha.
5. Scene 5: The people’s true spirit (v.28-30)
a. An insane wrath: A close mindedness
b. An insane assault: To silence Jesus
c. The insane behaviour of the people failed

Thought: When God calls, He anoints; He equips the messenger with His Spirit. The Holy Spirit goes with the messenger wherever God sends him.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time-A

I Reading: Jeremiah 20:7-9: The word of the Lord has meant insult for me. The Lord is much stronger than us and will always triumph.
II Reading: Romans 12:1-2: Offer your body as a living sacrifice. Our lives are to be changed, but not by the world around us.
Gospel: Matthew 16:21-27: If anyone wants to be a follower of me, let him renounce himself. Jesus’ rebuke to Peter shows that our thoughts are not always in line with God’s way.

The Messiah Foretells His Death and Future Glory( 1st Time):
 Total Commitment

What has a man to offer in exchange for his life?
In this gospel reading, Jesus taught the hardest lesson. We also see the lesson on suffering provided by Jeremiah. A lesson which Peter and the apostles  failed to understand. The Christian communities of all times must learn on the saving act of suffering of Jesus,  plan and will of God for humanity.
Paul explained the lesson of Jesus as understood:
1) They should give themselves totally to God. Their whole life should become an offering to him:
i.  a living offering, different from the animals offered/killed in the temple of Jerusalem.
ii. a holy offering,   a Christian led by the Holy Spirit as a holy and moral life.
iii. an offering pleasing to God, God delights in seeing us living the way Jesus live.
2) In order to do so, we should guide ourselves by the Gospel and not by what people who do not know Christ say or do. To do God’s will entails suffering, just as it cost Christ to suffer and die to obey his Father.
This what to renounce ourselves, to take up our cross, and to follow Jesus till the end of life really mean.
Jesus taught the final lesson: joy is never far from suffering. A joy which nothing and no one can take away. We have his promise for it: “your sorrow will turn to joy.” (Jn 16:20)

Jesus revealed that the Son of the living God was going to be killed and raised again from the dead. Jerusalem … that killed the prophets was going to commit the ultimate crime –going to kill God’s own Son (Mt 23:29-31). The disciples could not understand the reasons for their blindness. First the idea of a suffering Messiah differed radically from their own idea of the conquering Messiah (Mt 1:1, 2-1:18, 3-3:11, 11:1-6; Mk 8:27; Lk 7:21), and second, the revelation had been hidden in pictures and symbols.
1. His death required total commitment on his part (v.21-23)
a. His death was necessary: He “must go” to suffer
          1) In Jerusalem
          2) To suffer
          3) To be killed
          4) To be raised
b. His death arouses natural man
c. His death shows man to be an adversary of God
d. His death reveals man’s true nature
2. His death demands total commitment from a man (v.24)
a. Must will to follow
b. Must deny self
c. Must take up the cross
d. Must follow Jesus
3. His death offers four arguments for total commitment (v.25-28)
a. An abandonment of this of this life saves a man
b. A man’s soul is worth more than the whole world
c. A day of judgement is coming
d. A promise is given-the promise of never having to taste death
Thought: Suffering will always remain a lesson difficult to understand. eg. The life of Job. Suffering is a mystery in life. only the Spirit can make its meaning clear to us. We must go on learning the lesson why suffering in life? but Christ will never deceive us.  
A true Christian is the one who daily renounces, take up his/her cross with determination and joyfully follows Jesus Christ offering his/her life to God daily. Jesus shared his suffering with us and rewarding his true joy in our suffering life and even in death.
Jesus spoke of his resurrection when he spoke of his death which encourages us to bear our cross while here on earth (Lk 9:23).

Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30: You have shown you can be faithful in small things, come and join in your master’s happiness.
I Reading: 1Corinthians 1:26-31: God chose what is weak by human reckoning.
The Parable of the Talents: The Believer’s Duty to Work, Mt 25:14-30
Jesus said that the believer is to do something: work-faithfully and diligently and his/her work will be greatly rewarded or severely judged. Therefore we must be faithful and diligent and watchful when Christ returns to judge the living and dead.
Gospel: Matthew 25:1-13: The bridegroom is here! Go out and meet him.
I Reading: 1Corinthians 1:17-25: We are preaching a crucified Christ, an obstacle to men, but to those who have been called, the wisdom of God.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins: The Warning to Watch, Mt.25:1-13
The believer must watch for the Lord’s return, and he must be wise and not foolish in watching (see Mt 24:42). This is the point of Jesus’ parable in this passage (v.13): the parable of the ten virgins, five foolish and five wise. The parable teaches what will happen to all the professing believers, both the wise and the foolish, when the Lord returns.
·        The bridegroom is=Christ
·        The ten virgins are =believers
·        The five wise virgins are=genuine believers
·        The five foolish virgins are=false believers or who have false profession
·        The lamps represents=the lives, that is, the testimony, the witness, the heart and the profession of the virgins (professing believers)
·        The oil is the provision of righteousness, the supply of the Holy Spirit that is to fill the lamps (lives) of the professing believers.
1. Describes the kingdom of heaven (v.1)
2. There are wise and foolish virgins (believers) who attend a wedding (v.1-4)
a. five are wise: five are foolish
b. the foolish take no oil for their lamps: provision and supply
c. the wise take oil for their lamps: provision and supply
3. There is long delay waiting for the bridegroom: all are drowsy and sleep (v.5)
4. There is a great summons when he comes (v.6-9)
a. a sunrise: midnight
b. a cry: “Come-meet him”
c. the awakening: prepare their lamps
d. the foolish discover their lamps are out: frantic and beg for oil
e. the wise scarcely have enough for themselves
5. there is the bridegroom’s return and the gathering of the wise (v.10)
6. there is a shut door to the foolish (v.10-12)
a. the door was shut
b. the foolish cry for entry
c. the foolish will be rejected
7. the point: we must watch and expect the Lord’s return at any moment.
Thought: How foolish! To defend only one the oil in one’s lamp or life. A person must participate in the divine nature by faith (2Pet 1:4).

I Reading: 1Corinthians 1:1-9: You have been enriched in so many ways in Christ.
Gospel: Matthew 24:42-51: Stand ready.
The Lord’s Return and the Believer’s Duty:
Watch and Be Ready-Be Faithful and Wise: Mt 24:42-51
This is important to remember that this was Jesus’ last week on earth. He teaches "how was the believer to live and what was the believer's duty?" He explains through the parables what he meant by the strong exhortation, “keep watch!”
1. The believer’s duty: keep watch (v.42)
a. The Lord does return
b. exact time unknown
2. Parable 1: The owner of the house (a professing believer) (v.43-44)
a. He had a house to look after
b. He lived without watchfulness
c. He suffered disaster
d. the point: readiness is essential, for Christ comes unexpectedly
3. Parable 2: A faithful and wise servant (a genuine believer) (v.45-47)
a. His responsibility: to oversee and feed
b. His accountability: is faithful
c. His reward: put in charge
4. Parable 3: A wicked servant (v.48-51)
a. His attitude: plenty of time
b. His behaviour: acts unjustly and worldly
c. His judgement: he is doomed
1) The Lord catches him unexpectedly
2) The Lord condemns him to death-with the hypocrites
Thought: The Lord’s return is imminent. We must stay alert and  be diligent in looking for His return-today!

I Reading: 2Thessalonians 3:6-10. 16-18: Let no one have any food if he refuses to do any work.
Gospel: Matthew 23:27-32: You are the sons of those who murdered the prophets.
The Eight Accusations against False Religionists, Mt 23:27-32
1. False religionists disguise inner decay (v.27-28)
a. Illustration: They are like white tombs
1) outward: appear clean and beautiful
2) inward: full death and uncleanness
b. their wrong
1) outward: appear righteous
2) inward: full of hypocrisy and wickedness
2. False religionists pride themselves in a godly heritage (v.29-33)
a. honour the relics of the past
b. denounce the former abuses
c. pride themselves in being better: would not have committed such sins
d. testify against themselves (by rejecting Christ)
1) show themselves to be descendants of murderers
2) fill up the father’s cup of murder
e. result: have become snakes, vipers-doomed to hell
Thought: False religion is the most beautiful and deadly tomb among people. It leads to the eternal death of people’s spirit.