Thursday, 7 August 2014

Thursday: 18th Week in Ordinary Time-A
I Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34: I will make a covenant and will never call their sin to mind.
Gospel: Matthew 16:13-23: You are Peter, and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.
The Messiah’s Dramatic Revelation of Himself and His Church:
Peter’s Great Confession, Mt 16:13-20
Jesus reveals and teaches and builds His Church on Peter’s great confession of faith Jesus as the Messiah or Christ, the Son of the living God as against the false gods and goddesses.
1. Jesus Christ was in the area of Caesarea Philippi (v.13)
2. This confession is not the confession of the world (v.13-14)
a. The first critical question
b. The false confessions
3. This confession declares one’s trust in Christ (v.15-16)
a. The second critical question, v.15
b. The true confession: a person confession in Jesus Christ
4. This confession is revealed by God alone (v.17)
5. This confession is the foundation of the Church (v.18)
a. Fact 1: His Church
b. Fact 2: He builds
c. Fact 3: He protects
6. This confession assigns great responsibility to believers for the Church (v.19)
a. A resp. to use the keys to the kingdom of heaven
b. A resp. to bind and loose on earth
7. This confession must be understood before being shared with others (v.20)
Thought: Two things are essential before a believer can effectively proclaim the gospel.
1. He/she must understand the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (1Cor 15:1-4).
2. He must be indwelt and in filled with the Spirit of God (Acts 1:8).

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