Monday, 12 January 2015

Monday: 1st-Week in Ordinary Time-Year-B
I Reading: Hebrews 1:1-6: God has spoken to us through His Son.
Gospel: Mark 1:14-20: Repent and believe the Good News.
Jesus Christ and His Message: The Good News of God, 1:14-15
The Good News of the Gospel includes three emphatic points.
1. Jesus preached the Good News of God (v.14)
a. In Galilee
b. After John was put in prison
2. The time has come (v.15)
3. The kingdom of God is near (v.15)
4. Repent and believe (v.15)

Jesus Christ and His Disciples: The Kind of Person Called, Mk 1:16-20

Jesus called simple men. Note  that they were not religious leaders, powerful men, not the political leaders of the nation’s ruling body, the Sanhedrin (Mt 26:59), of the priestly or ministerial profession, students in the schools of higher learning.
Why did Jesus called them instead of calling the more gifted persons? They did have some special qualities which are illustrated here. See Mt 4:18-22 for additional thoughts on all these points.
1. They were industrious, hard-working men with unity, integrity, repairing or mending or reconciliation or forgiveness and understanding  (v.16)
2. They were visionary men: Looking for the Messiah and ready to follow him (v.17-18)
a. Their call
b. Their response: immediate and costly-gave up their business
3. They were cooperative men (v.19): working together with father and brothers who are grown up even after married life.
4. They were successful, but sacrificial and considerate men (v.20)
Thought: Jesus calls a person to a life of work, not to a life of ease and comfort. He calls a person to invest his life, not a waste of his life. (Lk 9:23-24; Jn 9:4; 1 Cor 4:2; Eccl 9:10)

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