Monday, 12 January 2015

Wednesday: 1st-Week in Ordinary Time-Year-B
I Reading: 1Samuel 3:1-10.19-20: Speak Lord, your servant is listening.
Gospel: Mark 1:29-39: He cured many who were suffering from diseases of one kind or another.
Jesus’ Power and Impact upon Each One: Caring for the Home and the Individual (1:29-31)

Jesus Christ cares for the individual and the home. His purpose of coming to earth was “to seek and to save what was lost” (Lk 19:10). His care, presence and power are available to any individual who will invite Him into their home. This glorious truth is demonstrated in Peter’s home.
1.     The worship of Jesus brought his presence (v.29)
2.     The presence of Jesus brought hope to a house (v.30)
3.     The presence of Jesus brought healing and help to a house (v.31)
4.     The presence of Jesus brought devotion and service to a house (v.31)

Jesus Power and Impact upon People in the Streets: Caring for the Whole World (1:32-34)

The world is a paradox. It is filled with both good and evil, and this is seen very clearly at every hand. No matter how much people long for a perfect world, they discover that their world is desperately sick, a world...
That is so beautiful, yet so corrupt, love-hate, life-death, desires-deprives many, plenty-starving, peace-war, health-sick.... etc.
Two things are desperately needed in a sick world:
i.                   Hearing the Good News that Jesus has the power to help.
ii.                 Coming to Jesus for help. The Son of God has the power to help and solve the problems of the world which we can’t do it.
1.     Jesus was and can be approached at all hours (v.32)
2.     Jesus was and is to be acknowledged as compassionate (v.32)
3.     Jesus did and does have an open door for all (v.33)
4.     Jesus did and will have compassion (v.34)
a.     He healed and will heal
b.    He restrained and will restrain evil spirits

Jesus’ Source of Power and Its Impact: What is the Source of Power (1:35-39)

Where does the servant of God get power? This passage reveals in unmistakeable terms the source of Jesus’ power.
1.     Jesus’ sense of prayer (v.35)
a.     When: Morning-very early, while it was still dark
b.    Where: Solitary place
c.      Why: Three reasons
2.     Jesus’ sense of a world-wide mission (v.36-38)
3.     Jesus’ faithfulness (v.39)
a.     Preached everywhere
b.    Healed-cast out deamons

Thought: God will continue to give His power to the messenger who continues to be faithful. He cannot give licence to disobedience. A divided house cannot stand (Mt 12:25-26).

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