Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Thursday:8th Week of the year-B-Cycle I

I Reading: Ecclesiasticus 42:15-25: The work of the Lord is full of his glory.
Gospel: Mark 10:46-52: Master, let me see again.
The Steps for Getting Help: Blind Bartimaeus, Mk 10:46-52
This is the picture of a man’s needing help and needing it desperately. As we read the story, there is no question but that the man’s blindness is  a picture of the blindness, darkness and needs of a world that reels in desperation for help. They need may be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Whatever it is, this passage spells out the  steps for getting help.
1. Jesus in Jericho (v.46)
a. The disciples and the crowd
b. A blind man sat beginning
2. Step 1: Believing the reports about Jesus
3. Step 2: Acknowledging personal need
4. Step 3: Persisting, persevering after Jesus
5. Step 4: Eagerly expecting to receive Jesus’ help (v.49-50)
a. Jesus stopped and called to the man
b. The man threw aside the impeding cloak
6. Step 5: Requesting precisely what is needed (v.51-52)
7. Step 6: Following Jesus (v.52)
Thought: A person must go where he/she knows Jesus is, where Jesus “passes by.”  A person must go where he/she  hear Jesus, or he/she may miss the chance of eternal life.

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