Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Tuesday:8th Week of the year-B-Cycle I

I Reading: Ecclesiasticus 35:1-12: A man offers communion sacrifices by following the commandments.
Gospel: Mark 10:28-31: You will be repaid a hundred times over, not without persecutions, now in this present time and, in the world to come, eternal life.
The Problem of Rewards: What One Receives for Following Christ,
Mk 10:28-31
The idea of rewards in heaven is foreign to many. It is rejected by others, feeling the idea of God’s rewarding people is mercenary. Scripture abounds with the teaching of rewards “in the age to come” (v.30).
Reward is the point of this passage. Jesus deals with the problem of rewards, of just what a true disciple shall receive both in this world and in the world to come (Lk 16:10-12; Jn 4:36-38).
1. Peter asked about reward (v.28)
2. He receives a hundred times what he gives up (v.29-30)
a. Whether housing or family
b. Whether property or wealth
3. He receives persecution (v.30)
4. He receives eternal life (v.30)
5. He receives an immediate assurance and warning (v.31)
Thought: Leaving everything and following Jesus Christ are the two bases for reward. A true disciple of Jesus will live for Christ and for the Gospel.

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