Sunday, 5 July 2015

Gospel: Matthew 9:18-26: My daughter has just died, but come and her life will be saved.
I Reading: Genesis 28:10-22: He saw a ladder standing there, and there were angels of God going up it and coming down, and God was speaking.
Jesus Heals Several People:
Meeting Man’s Desperate and Hopeless Needs, Mt 9:18-26
This passage includes four examples of people who had desperate who had hopeless needs. They demonstrate two things: Christ is the beyond question the Messiah, “the Son of David” (v.27); and Christ has power to meet our desperate, hopeless needs, even the need of conquering death.
1.     The hopeless cry for life (Part I) (v.18-19)
a.     The man: a ruler and a father
1)    Hopeless: death
2)    Attitude: worship
3)    Request: touch her
4)    Faith: “will live”
b.    Jesus’ response
2.     The secret hope for health (v.20-22)
a.     The woman
1)    Hopeless: ostracized
2)    Attitude: unworthy
3)    Act: touched him
4)    Faith: “I shall be whole”
b.    Jesus’ response
1)    “turned”: responded to her touch
2)    “saw”: compassion
3)    Called her “Daughter”: adopted her
4)    Healed her: exerted his power
3.     The hopeless cry for life (Part 2) (23-26)
a.     Trying delay: Jesus finally arrived
b.    The atmosphere: Noisy
c.      The strong demand
d.    The daughter’s death
e.      The reaction: laughed
f.      The power of his hand
g.     The result of his power
Thought: We will never know the mercy of Christ until we humble ourselves and become as little children (Mt 18:3).

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