Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Monday: 20th Week in Ordinary Time-B
I Reading: Judges 2:11-19: The Lord appointed judges but they would not listen to them.
Gospel: Matthew 19:16-22: If you wish to be perfect, sell what you own and you will have treasure in heaven.
The Rich Young Ruler: How a Rich Man Enters the Kingdom of Heaven
The rich young man asked Jesus, “Teacher what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” Jesus told him to sell all that he had and give to the poor in order to receive eternal life. This is a great demand of Jesus to love the poor with love, equality and justice in the society.
1. Step 1: Seek eternal life (v.16)
a. Approached Jesus
b. Confess your need
2. Step 2: Know that God alone is good (v.17)
a. The wrong concept of man or woman’s nature: Man/ woman is good
b. The right concept: God alone is good
3. Step 3: Obey the commandments (v. 18-20)
a. The commandments dealing with our neighbour: Especially needed by the rulers and the rich of the world
b. The wrong concept of God’s law: A tragic sense of self-righteousness
4. Step 4: Give all you are and have to Jesus Christ (v.21-22)
a. Results: We receive heaven and treasures in heaven
b. Rejection
          1) Unbelief, v. 17
          2) Self-righteousness, v. 20
          3) Love of world, v.21
Thought: The rich young ruler failed in two areas:
1) He failed to face the reality of man’s nature and the way of an imperfect world (Rom 3:10-20).
2) He failed to understand that Jesus Christ was more than a great and good man (Mt 19:17).

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