Monday, 10 August 2015

Thursday: 19th Week in Ordinary Time-B
I Reading: Joshua 3:7-11.13-17: The ark of the Lord is about to cross the Jordan at your head.
Gospel: Matthew 18:21-19:1 : Do not forgive seven times, I tell you, but seventy-seven times.
The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant: The Spirit of Forgiveness, 18:21-35
How often are we to forgive a person? Jesus answered this question in this parable.
1. The spirit and practice of forgiveness (v.21-22)
a. Peter asked about forgiving a brother: Is forgiveness is limited?
b. Jesus answered: Forgiveness is unlimited
c. Jesus illustrated: Is like the kingdom of heaven
2. There is God’s spirit of forgiveness: Like a king who settles his accounts with his servants (v.23-27)
a. All must give account
b. One is brought to him
c. The servant owes a huge debt
d. The servant is bankrupt
          1) He is to be sold
          2) He is to lose all
e. The servant faces him
f. The servant cries for mercy
          1) worships the king
          2) makes a commitment
g. The servant experiences the compassion of a loving king: is freed and forgiven
3. There is the servant’s spirit of unforgiveness (v.28-31)
a. He faces a fellow servant who owes him: in comparison a very small sum
b. He reacts severely
c. He rejects the cry for mercy: refuses to forgive
d. He acts materialistically and selfishly-according to law and justice
e. He gives the other servants: they carry the matter to the Lord
4. There is the great day of accounting (v.35)
a. Two bases of judgement
          1) God’s forgiveness: offered in Christ
          2) The servant’s wickedness: he lacks compassion and mercy
b. The judgement
          1) The Lord’s anger
          2) The Lord’s justice: the man was condemned and punished
5. There is the point: An unforgiving person will be judged (v.35)
Thought: God’s love and forgiveness is unconditional and unlimited once there is the repentance of a person.

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