Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Advent: 17 December
1st Reading: Genesis 49:2. 8-10: The Sceptre shall not pass from Judah.
Gospel: Matthew 1: 1-17: Genealogy of Jesus Christ.
Jesus’ Genealogy: Interesting Roots:
The genealogy of Jesus Christ is not barren ground for preaching and teaching. It yields rich fruit for the person who will seek out Jesus’ roots. (cf. Lk 3:23)
1.     The genealogy of Jesus Christ shows that Jesus is the legal heir to the throne of David.
a.     To the throne of David
b.    To the blessings of Abraham
2.     It encourages believers scattered abroad: Among Jacob’s sons only Judas was an ancestor of Christ. Why then are his eleven brothers, all the sons of Jacob, listed in the genealogy? There is probable one main reason. Every Jew knew that he had come through the line of Jacob; every Jew was a descendant of one of Jacob’s sons.
3.     It symbolizes God’ mercy:
a.     In the Gentile women, Tamor: she was seducer and adultress whom reached (Gen 38: 24f).
b.    In the Gentile woman, Rahab: was a prostitute and rejected by the Jews, she exercised faith in God and in Israel as His people (Josh 2: 1f).
c.      In the gentile woman, Ruth: was a citizen of a nation hatred by the Jews but she became associated with God and His People (Ruth 1f).
d.    In the sinful woman, Bathsheba: sinned with David, but she sought God’s forgiveness (2Sam 11-12).
4.     It demonstrates that God’s grace is not inherited; it is given as He wills. Both good and bad kings in the ancestry of Christ.
a.     The Good Kings: (Solomon: 1Kg: 1:1-11:43; Asa: 1Kg 15: 9-24; Chron 14-16; Joshaphat/Jehoshaphat: 2Chron 17-20).
b.    The Wicked kings: Roboam/Rehoboam: 1Kg 11: 43f; Abia/Abijah: (2Chron 12:16f; Joram/Jehoram: 2Kg 8: 21-24; 1Chron 3: 11).
5.     It emphasizes the power of God to keep His promises:
a.     In delivering His people through terrible times (the Babylonian captivity).
b.    In sending forth the Christ, the Messiah.
6.     It symbolizes generations of spiritual history: v.17
a.     Abraham-David: Birth and growth
b.    David-Babylonian captivity: Regression and enslavement
c.      Babylon-Christ: Liberation and triumph
Thought: God preserved the Jews through the Babylonian captivity; He kept His promise to send the Messiah. The believers can rest assured in God’s promises and power, for He will fulfil all His promises. There is assured victory over all evils in His promises.

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