Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Advent: Week 2: Friday: Year- C
1st Reading: Isaiah 48: 17-19: If only you had been alert to my commandment.
Gospel: Matthew: 11: 16- 19: They heed neither John nor the Son of Man.
The Message Given to a Childish Generation:
Every generation has its privileges. The privileges are used properly by some and ignored and abused by others. It was a privilege to know Christ personally but the vast majority have ignored and abused Christ; therefore most do not know God personally or in a community living.
Jesus called his own generation was a childish generation or wicked generation or a perverse generation. They turned away from right and good to that which was corruptible. They acted contrary to the evidence, truth and justice. They were wrong headed, mindless and contrary and did not receive the truth. Jesus message is applicable to every generation.
1.     There is the childishness of this generation:
They acted like children with playfulness and lack of seriousness in life. They were fault finders, mindless and playful who never be pleased with God/Jesus.
a.     They accused John the Baptist of separation. John practised the disciplined life, poor life and simple living in his food, drinks, clothes and shelter. They called him, he is possessed by the spirit and he is mad.
b.    They accused Jesus of worldliness. Jesus was very opposite of John. He was accused of being a glutton, drunkard, sinner and friend of immoral people.
John preached a gospel of repentance and separation and Jesus preached a gospel of liberty and justice. But they found fault with both and accepted neither. They wanted to do their own way as they wanted. So there was the inconsistence in their thinking and doing. They did not think about the reason and logic behind God’s glorious plan in Christ the Messiah to save their lives.
Thought: there are two approaches to righteousness: the separatist approach of John and the social approach of Jesus. They majority rejected both approaches. Jesus did not condemn John’s approach and John did not condemn Jesus’ approach where as both supported each other and worked for the kingdom of God on earth for the greater glory of God and salvation of humankind.

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