Saturday, 21 May 2016

I Reading: Proverbs 8:22-31: Before the earth came into being, Wisdom was born.
II Reading: Romans 5:1-5: To God, through Christ, in the love poured out by the Spirit.
Gospel: John 16:12-15: Everything the Father has is mine; all the Spirit tells you will be taken from what is mine.
The Work of the Holy Spirit, Jn 16:7-15
We are celebrating today the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity that there is only one God but three persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All these three persons are equally wise, equally powerful and equally good, and yet distinct from one another, finally that they are not to be taken as three Gods; but there is only one God. They work as undivided unity, eg. God said, ‘let us’(The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit from the very beginning of creation ) make man(collective noun= adam=mankind) in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves..(Gen 1:26-27). The Spirit led ancient people to gradually learn about God. Jesus came into the world to clearly manifest God’s wisdom, power and love. To help us discover the love of the three Divine Persons for us, Jesus provided us with the best teacher he could give: the Holy Spirit, Himself one of the three Divine persons. Hence the Father created us, the Son redeemed us and the Holy Spirit makes us holy. This has been put in another way: the Father is the power of God, the Son is God’s wisdom and the Holy Spirit is God’s love. Paul teaches us that we must accept the training imparted by the Spirit with courage and with love (Rom 5:5). This is the deepest mystery in our Christian faith.
The clearest revelation of the Holy Spirit is given by our Lord Jesus himself. He had already revealed who the person of the Holy Spirit is (Jn 14:15-26). Now He reveals the work of the Holy Spirit.
1. He helps believers (v.7)
a. His help: for the believer’s good
b. His name: The Counselor, Comforter, the Helper
2. He convicts and convinces the world (v.8-11)
a. He convicts: Of sin, righteousness and judgement
b. He convinces
          1) Of sin: Because they believe not on Jesus
          2) Of righteousness: Because Jesus’ righteousness is proven-He is ascended as Lord
          3) Of judgement: Because Jesus condemned Satan
3. He guides believers (v12-13)
a. Through speaking the truth
b. Through leading into all truth
c. Through showing things to come
4. He glorifies Jesus: He shows the things of Jesus to believers (v.14-15)
Thought: Christ is declaring that there is perfect unity in the Godhead (Jn 10:37-38, 14:10, 17:22).

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