Tuesday, 10 May 2016

I Reading: Acts 22:30;23:6-11: Now you must bear witness in Rome.
Gospel: John 17:20-26: May they be completely one.
Jesus Prayed for Future Believers, 17:20-26
Jesus prayed for future believers, for all those who would believe in Him from the moment to the end of the world. What he prayed is very precious to believers, but it is also an indictment against believers of every generation.
1. Jesus prayed for all future believers –for all who would believe the Word (v.20)
2. Request 1: That believers may be one (v.21-22)
a. The standard: As God and Christ are one
b. The purpose: That the world may believe
c. The source: God’s glory
3. Request 2: That the believers be perfected in unity (v.23)
a. Source: Jesus within
b. Reason: To convinced the world
          1) God sent Christ
          2) God loves believers
4. Request 3: That believers  may be with him in glory (v.24)
a. The reason: To see his glory
b. The assurance: God’s love
5. Conclusion: A testimony (v.25-26)
a. Of the world: Has not known God
b. Of Jesus: Knew God
c. Of believers: Have known that God sent Jesus
d. Jesus’ faithfulness
          1) He declared God
          2) His purpose: That people might know God’s love
Thought: A terrible tragedy! There are many voices proclaiming so many different messages, message of work, ritual and ceremony, denominationalism, rules and regulations, morality, false prophets, humanism, brotherhood, secularism etc…

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