Monday, 20 June 2016

Gospel: Matthew 7:1-5: Take the plank out of your own eye first.

The Warning about Judging and Criticizing Others
Jesus Christ pulls no punches with the criticizer.
1.     Do not judge; do not criticize (v.1)
2.     The criticizer will be judged (v.2)
a.     For the same criticism
b.    With equal weight
3.     The criticizer fails to examine himself (v.3)
a.     He looks for faults
b.    He looks for faults in others-not himself
4.     The criticizer is deceived about himself (v.4)
a.     He speaks, but unthoughtfully
b.    He is not fit to judge
5.     The criticizer is a hypocrite: he must extract his own sin first (v.5)
6.     The criticizer is undeserving of the gospel (v.6)
a.     He tramples the gospel underfoot
b.    He turns against and tears people apart.
Thought: God forgives the humble and repentant sinner, but He shall judge the judgemental and critical person. There is to be no mercy whatsoever for the person who shows no mercy (Jas 2:13).

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